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Top Navigator vs Left Navigator

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/06/10 04:29 AM Views: 1604 Replies: 7
Monday, September 6, 2010 at 4:29 AM

As our reunion approaches I thought it would be good to add pages such as "Missing Classmates" to the top navigator, vs. just the left navigator. However, when I changed our design to include the top tabs, it defaulted to tabs that should not be there - like "committee only”. I looked in “Edit pages” but cannot see where I can edit the navigator bars. Help!

Monday, September 6, 2010 at 7:53 AM - Response #1

The "Link Sorting Module" is still in development. You cannot change the order of most of the links (either LEFT or TOP sides). The feature should become available in the next 2-3 months.

You CAN add a navigational link to your home page content by following these steps:
1. Copy the URL Address window contents from the browser you are using of where you want the link to go.
2. Go to your Edit Site Pages, Edit Home Page.
3. Move the cursor to where you want the link
4. Type "Click HERE to go to help find MISSING CLASSMATES"
5. select the "Click Here....." text
6. Click the INSERT/EDIT LINK button
7. Paste the URL Address that you copied in step 1
8. Save the link.

Hope this helps you.

Monday, September 6, 2010 at 8:33 AM - Response #2

Thanks - yes - I know how to link - I just wanted to move and reorder my navigation buttons. Oh Well. I will wait.

PS - we use Confluence at work (for now - switching to SharePoint next year) Left navigation is considered a page and can be edited. The Top navigation is corporate and can only be edited by the corp administrators.

Monday, September 6, 2010 at 11:23 AM - Response #3

You'll be able to edit both in roughly 10 weeks.

Monday, September 6, 2010 at 11:42 AM - Response #4

GREAT!!! Brad - have to tell you - when I started the web-site it was such fun for the insomniac in me. Scanning all the yearbook pics, getting everything just right. Then when it was done - it was a let-down. Well - we have a new collaboration web at work and I am the Change Manager, but have learned the administration part and have been busy with our taxonomy and design - and really love it. I am probably paid too much for a web designer, but at my age - I am just having a blast.

Question - is there a benefit to putting my yearbook in the Gallery vs the way I have it now? I loaded it as a site page and see more recent sites have the gallery. If it takes up less space on the server and or frees space for something else - let me know and I will fix.

THANKS - Patte

Monday, September 6, 2010 at 11:48 AM - Response #5

That is great! You obviously share my same passion for it. When I started in the dawn of the web I was immediately addicted. It just never wears off too, it's just as fun now as it was in the beginning. In fact I think it's more fun now. Keep up the excellent work.

No there's no particular benefit to having your yearbook on a regular page vs. Gallery Creator. Unless you just prefer the Gallery Creator format that is. A lot of people have put together yearbooks in and then embedded them on their class site, which I think is pretty cool.

Monday, June 20, 2011 at 4:58 PM - Response #6

Are we able to edit the Left Navigator?

Monday, June 20, 2011 at 5:03 PM - Response #7

Not yet, but it is coming "SOON", I hear.

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