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Admin emails hacked?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/04/19 09:44 AM Views: 454 Replies: 1
Friday, October 4, 2019 at 9:44 AM

Our admin users are receiving email solicitations for site design. The emails are directed to us by name, not by a global generic name, and appear to be from our CC message-the-class function. The reply-to is It seems that if our admin email addresses have been hacked, then our class member list has been compromised.

Is there a general address hack or is this just us?
How can we handle this?

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 11:09 AM - Response #1

That message is a contact form message. Anybody who can reach your website and go to the contact us page can submit a message. You will receive it in a format that appears to be from your website. You can ignore these messages as they are just simply solicitations. If you find that somebody is abusing this, let us know and we can try to block them from the system. You will notice that in that message you will see an IP address listed, we would block that IP address. Most of the time though, these can just simply be ignored,

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