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Photo Sharing Section

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/21/08 09:42 AM Views: 2282 Replies: 20
Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 9:42 AM

I have the photp sharing link enabled and when selected the page appears however, nothing else does such as an upload photos or browse button, instructions, etc. Many classmates are uploading pics in their profiles however, they are looking to share photos not pertaining to themselves.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 11:44 AM - Response #1

I like that approach. Smile Boy would it be cool if doing that actually worked.

Unfortunately there is no community photo gallery feature in Class Creator. Well, there's not yet, anyway. We are working on several community gallery layouts now, and upon their completion this task will go to the programmers for implementation into the system.

For now you might want to check out a third party solution, such as slide,com, or

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 1:37 PM - Response #2

So are you saying that when a classmate goes to the EDIT/UPDATE link and adds photos they go right to the classmates profile section?

There is no way to just have a link for reunion photos?

We just had our reunion last week and they are starting to ask how to add photo!


Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 2:11 PM - Response #3

You can make a customizable link and add all the runion photos you want. The only difference between that, and using our upcoming gallery feature, is the photos will all just run down the page unless you personally structure them. You can certainly add all the photos you want right now though, and many people do.

When the galleries come out, they will have different themes you can select from. And you'll have true thumbnail images that exapnd to larger images, etc., like many traditional photo galleries you see online.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 3:18 PM - Response #4

So Brad....when a classmate uses the EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS...where do they end up? On their personal profile?

And for now, how do we use one of the customizable links for the purpose of our Reunion?

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 3:51 PM - Response #5

1. Yes, when Classmates upload photos the photos go right into their own Profile.

2. The best way to plan a reunion is to use the built in Reunion Planner tool. Just click on Reunion Planner and start filling in the page.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 3:57 PM - Response #6

But as of now there is no general public way to share photo of our reunion last week...right?

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 4:24 PM - Response #7

Right. Not until we have community photo galleries in place. For now your Classmates would have to email photos to you and you post them (or any other Site Administrators can also post them), or you can use a third party service such as or to host our community photos.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 4:45 PM - Response #8

I have the same question about photo sharing and the first thought I had was to link to a 3rd party site.

Can we post that link using one of the customizable links on the site?



Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 5:12 PM - Response #9

How about this???

I added a phoney classmate named Reunion '45 with a specific emaill address and password, both of which I shared with the entire class.

I then instructed them to log on as that classmate, to go Edit/Upload Photos and just do it!!

When they log on using their personal email and password, they can go to the bogas classmate known as Reunion '45 in the Class Profile section (it shows up as the first classmate on the list!) and view all of the photos that have been added.

I explained this to everyone using a customizable link titled Reunion '45 Photos...

Is there a reason this will not work? I just did tis today and so far no one has added any pics, but if this will not work let me know. I will cancel the whole idea!

How is the new baby doing? Does his sister like him?


Edited 08/21/08 5:16 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 5:59 PM - Response #10

Ed Nordquist wrote:

I have the same question about photo sharing and the first thought I had was to link to a 3rd party site.

Can we post that link using one of the customizable links on the site?



Sure ya can.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 6:01 PM - Response #11


How about this???

I added a phoney classmate named Reunion '45 with a specific emaill address and password, both of which I shared with the entire class.

I then instructed them to log on as that classmate, to go Edit/Upload Photos and just do it!!

When they log on using their personal email and password, they can go to the bogas classmate known as Reunion '45 in the Class Profile section (it shows up as the first classmate on the list!) and view all of the photos that have been added.

I explained this to everyone using a customizable link titled Reunion '45 Photos...

Is there a reason this will not work? I just did tis today and so far no one has added any pics, but if this will not work let me know. I will cancel the whole idea!

How is the new baby doing? Does his sister like him?


The baby is great and his big sis loves him. Smile

The only problem I see with a universal account is one person can easily delete another person's photos. Plus there would be little organization to the whole thing. But hey, it may beat doing nothing. Smile I wish we could make the new community galleries a higher priority -- for now any innovative solution ya come up with is worth a shot.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 6:48 PM - Response #12

I did think of those two things and then realized...

This was our 45 year reunion.....we ae probably too old to care about deleteing other pics and we are so confused at this age disorganization does NOT confuse us...

We'll try for a while and see how it goes...will keep you posted....


Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 10:15 PM - Response #13

So tell me why then do you have a photo sharing page that is part of your default setup and the link is present. Now I have all sorts of people asking why that link doesn't work! I guess I should turn it off and try the dummy profiles approach which seems pretty cheezy and if you knew how many 48 year olds ate technically challenged I'm guessing I won't get too many to share! That doesn't seem like much code to me to set something basic up for now at least in the interim....

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 10:28 PM - Response #14

We are working on some really slick community photo galleries. Right now only Administrators can upload photos to the system. In the meantime if you want a true gallery feature try or It's not a matter of how simple the code is or not, it's a matter of priority. Community photo galleries are not currently at the top of the priority list. What is at the top are:

* File Library feature
* Template 6
* New themed templates
* New Preferences area

That's just the 4 main things though. There's probably 87 other things on the list before we get to community photo galleries. Any regular readers of this forum know how many requests are coming in literally daily. There's much to do.

Edited 08/21/08 10:40 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 10:42 PM - Response #15

Appreciate the update.
One last question. As the admin, can I get an extract of the updated information from our classmates database? Looking specifically for a list of names and email addresses.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 10:47 PM - Response #16

That feature is coming right after we get the new community photo galleries in place.

Nah I'm only teasin' ya. Yes, just do this:

1) Click on Manage Classmates
2) Click the Upload or Download Classmates button
3) Click the Download Classmates button

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 2:24 PM - Response #17

how exactly do I upload the photos in a customizable link?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 6:36 PM - Response #18

Brad- After the 87 other things...

Is there a target guesstimate on a date for the gallery unveiling?

James- I did like the work-around above!
Rachel- Look on your Admin Functions Tab
Create the Link Name
On that page you have a little picture frame ikon, click on it and it will pop up a box to upload a photo, click on send it to server and waaaaalaaaa
Don't forget to click on SAVE on the bottom of the new page!
GBS Class of 1978

Edited 09/03/08 6:47 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 2:02 PM - Response #19

thank you! that image icon wasn't obvious to me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 6:27 PM - Response #20

Make that 387 things. I have to even give an estimate yet considering the major things that are nearing the top of the list. Plus we contend with literally hundreds of support emails every day. We're a little backlogged to say the least. If you want a really wild guess, somewhere in the first quarter of 2009 for the new galleries. Sounds like a long time, but Xmas is just 16 weeks away.

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