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Log In Confusion

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 03/08/17 07:44 PM Views: 4704 Replies: 4
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 7:44 PM

A number of my Classmates have complained (in the nicest possible way) because they are confused over the apparently new Log In procedure.

If they Log In via the Home page they have the option of clicking on the Sign In button or the Head and Shoulders icon, both of which take them to a Classmate Login box, yet if they Log In after clicking on the link in a notification email they're taken to a page that not only gives them the Sign In option but also the Sign In With System Password option and a Join Here button.

I'm sure you'll say the multiple choice box allows the Classmate to respond with the option that the notification email alludes to but so many choices has led to confusion among my elderly members. Can we not just stick with the one option please. Call it what you like, we just need a simple Log In or Sign In button that takes members straight in after the first click and if it's a notification link they're clicking on why doesn't it take them straight to where they expect to be taken; that is,for example, if it's to view a post on What's New (my Notice Board) that's where they should be taken, not to the poster's Profile.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 10:38 PM - Response #1

I've had complaints and confusion as well.

Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 2:00 PM - Response #2

The majority of members stay logged in and will never come across that screen. For those that do see that screen, there is a good change that they have not yet joined and you would want that to be the message that they see and understand to make it easy for them to join. I would agree however that the button style for the Sign In button should be consistent with the style presented on the other screens and I will forward that suggestion.

Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 2:27 PM - Response #3

Scott Mastenbrook wrote:

The majority of members stay logged in and will never come across that screen. For those that do see that screen, there is a good change that they have not yet joined and you would want that to be the message that they see and understand to make it easy for them to join. I would agree however that the button style for the Sign In button should be consistent with the style presented on the other screens and I will forward that suggestion.

I continue to receive complaints about the new log in. Very few of my members stay logged in. Regardless, I'm getting tired of responding to them of why it was changed (maybe you too Very Happy).
Our site handles those who wish to join and it has been well received. The new change isn't confusing if you've never had a system, but if you have, it causes problems.

Is there a way to "opt out" of the new log in and use what we always have?.

Thank you

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 12:27 PM - Response #4

Unfortunately, we cannot provide an opt out for the new format. We implemented the new format due to changes in web browsers that alerted users when log in forms that were not on HTTPs pages. Therefore the new Sign In button takes the user to a HTTPs page to log in.

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