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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 12/31/09 08:34 AM Views: 1286 Replies: 1
Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 8:34 AM

As I search through the various sites on the members list, I see that several contain more pages than we have available on ours. How do we expand the number of pages? It appears that I'm limited to 18.

Edited 12/31/09 8:35 AM
Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 9:03 AM - Response #1


As I search through the various sites on the members list, I see that several contain more pages than we have available on ours. How do we expand the number of pages? It appears that I'm limited to 18.


If you go to one of those various sites with lots of left-hand menu items and move your mouse over some of the pages, you will see that some of them are really SURVEY PAGES.

You can have an UNLIMITED number of survey pages, but the current limit for custom pages is eight.

Survey pages can be used the same as your custom pages, just don't include any survey questions.

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