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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/22/09 10:12 PM Views: 1802 Replies: 5
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 10:12 PM

I use announcements to control most of the content on my home page. I can keep adding, moving and deleting content to keep the site fresh. With that being said, I'm not sure if i missing something or not.

I would like for my announcements to widen out after they get past the menu items that run down the right hand side of the website. Is there a setting that controls that function?

Like everyone else, I've had times when my announcements overlap the right hand menu and have been able to resolve that issue. Can figure out how to fill up the page as I move down the home page though.

I'm thinking you are going to tell me to move my announcements to the header.

I appreciate all your good work. THANKS!...

PS you need to put spell checker in your forum, I'm the worst speller in the world. lol...

Edited 09/22/09 10:13 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 10:50 PM - Response #1

Looking at your site in Firefox, all of your announcements DO appear below the right-side menus, leaving a large gap between your main content and your announcements.

Not sure if this will help, but here is a tutorial about the Break Clear tag. It might be useful, I have seen Brad talk about it, but I don't remember the exact conditions when to use it.

Tutorial is HERE

PS - If you use FireFox, it has a spell checker when you are typing.

Edited 09/22/09 11:25 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 2:23 AM - Response #2

Kyle is correct, the only way to do this is to put this tag at the end of your home page content:

This will make your Announcements begin wherever the right hand modules end. The only drawback here is that you could wind up with quite a bit of white space between your home page content and your Announcements based on how long the right hand modules are.

FYI, Annoucements are contained within a table and thus don't stretch out after the conclusion of the right hand modules, as you've pointed out. The home page content is the opposite. I.E. it is not held within a table, and will stretch out to fill the full body area after the right hand modules end.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 6:05 AM - Response #3

Thanks guys, I'll see what I can do with it. I might have to change the way I approach stuff.

How's your Dad Brad?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 12:59 PM - Response #4

Not too good Doug, unfortunately. He's on his 60th day or so of hospitalization. It's been quite a roller coaster. I'm actually just leaving for Ohio to spend the evening with him (I live about 45 minutes north of him in Michigan). The hospital cafeteria has served as my home office for many weeks now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 4:21 PM - Response #5

Doesn't make it any easier, but we've all been there. I lost my Dad a year and a half ago after 9 months of issues. I say that to you because I know what you are going thru. The best you can do is pray to God that his wll be done. We love our parents, they are the best. You, your Dad and your family still remain in my prayers. Hang in there. Doug

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