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Notify Me frequency to Weekly

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 06/01/15 02:45 PM Views: 6843 Replies: 20
Monday, June 1, 2015 at 2:45 PM

Hi -- I know this has been asked before. Could the "Notify Me" frequency be upgraded to have WEEKLY as an option ? People don't want "never" but they also find Daily to be overwhelming. Perhaps send out a week's worth of notices every Sunday morning or something.

I would imagine that there are a variety of issues with this in terms of the programming, but it would be a welcome improvement for us. Thanks !

keywords: notify weekly, notify me weekly, notify me period, notify me frequency

Monday, June 1, 2015 at 4:47 PM - Response #1

We feel that too many options on that already confusing page, is not the best idea.

Monday, June 1, 2015 at 4:52 PM - Response #2

Hi, Scott, thanks for the quick reply.

I can see how you'd feel that the page is confusing -- I'm not sure if it would be that much more confusing with the Weekly option.

There are so many classmates who are NOT interested in daily update notices...
I think if you had a survey among Administrators, there'd be a large vote for a weekly option.

Just my two cents opinion on this. Class Creator keeps improving... we all appreciate what you are doing.
-- Fred

Monday, June 1, 2015 at 4:56 PM - Response #3

I will circulate internally and let the powers that be decide.

Monday, June 1, 2015 at 9:23 PM - Response #4

I'd vote for a Once Weekly option. I've heard from people who do want to keep in touch but feel Immediate is overkill, and the choice between Daily and Never is an all-or-nothing option - neither of which meets their needs. I don't see why 4 options instead of three would be confusing at all.

And in fact, I think it would be a very popular option for catagories like "A survey receives new responses". Once someone has posted their responses in a survey, a weekly reminder to see the other responses which have wandered in would usually be ideal.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 12:57 AM - Response #5

This is similar to the FB thing - a generation gap of sorts. Our class is also mostly of the Weekly variety. I hear a groan somewhere Twisted Evil

Friday, October 16, 2015 at 4:50 PM - Response #6


I'm coming late to the party, but I agree an option between Daily and Never would really be nice.

We send out very few announcements, but we still have a few who complain.

If Daily is too often for THEM, I hate to lose them by having NEVER as their only other choice.

I don't think having Weekly or Every 2 Weeks (1/week, 2/mo.) would be too confusing, and the abbreviations are short enough to fit the space currently used.

Just my two cents worth.

Monday, July 10, 2017 at 7:07 PM - Response #7

Fred Weis wrote:

Hi -- I know this has been asked before. Could the "Notify Me" frequency be upgraded to have WEEKLY as an option ? People don't want "never" but they also find Daily to be overwhelming. Perhaps send out a week's worth of notices every Sunday morning or something.

I would imagine that there are a variety of issues with this in terms of the programming, but it would be a welcome improvement for us. Thanks !

keywords: notify weekly, notify me weekly, notify me period, notify me frequency

We just lost another classmate. They didn't die, we just Irritated them into leaving.

On the Notification Frequency, the only choices besides immediate are Daily or None.

They didn't like Daily, they chose the ONLY Option left, which was NONE and asked to be removed totally.

Respectfully, an option to choose Weekly or Every Two Weeks, would not be confusing and it's time to give them that option.

I'm not trying to be mean spirited about this, but it's a shame when we irritate classmates into quitting. Isn't it time to rethink this issue as Fred suggested two years ago?

Edited 07/16/17 1:25 AM
Monday, July 10, 2017 at 10:37 PM - Response #8

Yes, yes and yes

Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 3:57 PM - Response #9

Please . . . Add a Weekly notification option and delete the Never option! Very Happy

Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 9:20 PM - Response #10

I think "never" has to stay because of legal reasons - sort of like "opt out" has to be an option on all emails you receive.

Add weekly as another option. Some people don't want any emails. There are quite a few sites where I pick 'never send me any emails'.

Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 9:40 PM - Response #11

Over 70% of our classmates have "Never" checked, except for the "An administrator sends an email to all classmates" in which only one classmate has checked "Never." Maybe it's because we're an older class and people don't want to be inundated with updates. They can still send and receive emails via private messaging and browse the site, and that seems to work for us.

Weekly updates may work, except would they clog up the Class Creator servers with so many updates waiting to be sent?

Edited 07/23/17 10:31 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 10:40 PM - Response #12

Pretty sure it would create fewer emails vs daily. If anything should reduce emails. Multiple "daily" updates can be combined into a single weekly. I bet it will 'unclog' the mail servers with fewer updates. Weekly will also help the 'spam' rejection detector issue.

People that have 'immediate' probably will stick with that choice. There are a few like that I have as immediate.

I really don't understand the resistance here at all. It's an obvious choice to most of us posting here. Idea

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 1:30 AM - Response #13

Scott Mastenbrook wrote:

I will circulate internally and let the powers that be decide.


Why do we work to make our sites attractive to our classmates, then irritate 70% of them (as Scott Moore commented) into selecting Never because there are no options beyond Daily, which obviously was unacceptable to them.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like it would be relatively easy to add Weekly and Every Two Weeks as options (just two more entries in the Look-up Table?), would cut down load on the server, and most importantly, it is needed!

Otherwise we're only serving 30% rather than 100% of those who USED to get notifications.

It's been two years since Fred Weis suggested this. . . . Any progress at all?

Edited 08/01/17 3:58 PM
Monday, March 12, 2018 at 8:48 PM - Response #14

Hi Scott,

It's now 2018 and I am joining the many voices that would like to have "Weekly" as an option. We all get too many emails from too many sources. Since a class website is intended to be fun and occasional updates, I am getting messages/emails from classmates that are annoyed by the daily emails and are threatening to leave and have no further communication with former classmates.

We are just asking that ONE additional column be added to the 'Notify Me' set up. That will not make anything more confusing.

PLEASE and Thank You!!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2018 at 6:48 PM - Response #15

I'll echo Gary, Meg, Scott, Jack, Rhonda, and John....
It would sure be nice if we had a Weekly option.
My guess is that for the amount of new progamming involved it may not seem worthwhile...but it will help the average person, in my view. Thank you for considering this.

Monday, December 10, 2018 at 7:46 PM - Response #16

It's pretty trivial programming Rolling Eyes

Fred Weis wrote:

I'll echo Gary, Meg, Scott, Jack, Rhonda, and John....
It would sure be nice if we had a Weekly option.
My guess is that for the amount of new progamming involved it may not seem worthwhile...but it will help the average person, in my view. Thank you for considering this.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 4:36 PM - Response #17

I am having way too many classmates post commentary on the political ramifications of the COVID-19 crisis. I would like to turn off all Notifications for the What's New section so those that don't want to read these commentaries do not have their noses rubbed in them. Is there a way to shut off all What's new notices? My alternative is to extensively censor the What's New section or to just deactivate it. I have lost some of the classmates who simply updated their email address to NOADDRESS@NOADRESS.Com so that the site didn't contact them at all! Any help would be appreciated.

Edited 03/31/20 4:36 PM
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 4:48 PM - Response #18

We have never activated the What's New page. Instead, we have a Latest News page, on which we post news, nowadays mostly obituaries, but occasionally an uplifting story on someone's life or the school. This eliminates anyone being offended by political comments, and gives us more control over what appears on the site.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 6:41 PM - Response #19

Disable "What's New" till stuff slows down. Explain on Home Page. Turn it back on in the future. I too get annoyed with some sites that have too much. Actually did that with FB Smile If I'm interested I look.

Would be a GOOD idea for CC to have an option to not send out emails on activity. The notications sounds like a good idea (class activity) until something like you mention occurs.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 10:05 PM - Response #20


There is a very good link discussing this subject (which might be a good place to continue any discussions) at Political Posts in the Message Forum.

One proposal was to: (a) announce a formal policy that political posts will be deleted; and, (b) delete them as soon as possible after posting. However a following post indicates that many ignored the announcement. Adding a promise to give violators one warning, and upon a second (or third) violation, remove them from the website, might be more effective.

Should you choose to follow this path and need to remove someone, this can be accomplished by changing their email address and passwords. (If you do this, be sure to save their original email, that way you'll have it for your records, and if you decide to reinstate them at some point, you won't have to re-enter it.)

Good luck.

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