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Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 8:23 AM
There should be a "Reset Profile" button on the Classmate Details page. The button, when clicked, will bring up a "Are you sure - this will delete all of this classmate's contents, profile, and photos (except yearbook photo) essentially deleting the classmate" WHen the JavaScript "Are you sure?" is answered YES, then all of this classmate's information is deleted, including their "Last Login", "Username" and "Password", BUT KEEPING their Classmate/Senior/yearbook photo. If a profile is hijacked (I have had about 5 of them), I need to delete the profile and then re-add the classmate, then re-add the Classmate/Senior/yearbook photo. Also, the new classmate that is added doesn't have the same Member ID number, so any links to that classmate now need to be changed. If there were a RESET PROFILE button, when a classmate is hijacked, I can press RESET PROFILE and the hijack never happened. QUESTION: What happens when a classmate has subscribed to all of the classmates and one gets hijacked, so the classmate needs to be deleted and re-added? Won't the new classmate not be included in the subscribed-to list of this classmate (because there is now a new Member ID)?
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Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 11:13 AM - Response #1
Kyle you are great. The thing I love about you is you'll think through some of these things even more than I do myself sometimes, raising totally relevant issues that didn't even occur to me at all... Love that. Thank you! Yes, you are dead on here. There should be an easier way to reset a Classmate without having to delete the Classmate and lose your senior photo scan. And any Profile subscriptions previously engaged for a Classmate are currently blown away when you delete and readd the Classmate. Not good! You're right on both accounts. I don't think the Reset Classmate button should be next to the Save button. It could cause confusion for some people -- they won't really know what it does. Yes, they could click on it and see a bunch of instructions on the following screen about what it does, but they'll be hesitant to click it in the first place due to not knowing what it does. Thus instead I propose we add the "Reset Clasmate" feature right in the same area where you actually verify the Classmate if you're using the New Classmate Verification feature. I.E. in that area we should have this: Verify: Grant Classmate full site access rights. Reset Classmate: Remove all Classmate information except name, email address, and senior photo. I think that'll do the trick. Kyle, you rock. Thanks!
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Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 11:46 AM - Response #2
I am a programmer, too. I think like a programmer.
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Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 3:09 PM - Response #3
Brad Switzer wrote: I.E. in that area we should have this: Verify: Grant Classmate full site access rights. Reset Classmate: Remove all Classmate information except name, email address, and senior photo.
Do you want to keep the email address? Isn't that what is keyed off of to know if the classmate has logged in? Or is it just the PASSWORD field?
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Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 3:30 PM - Response #4
The login count ticks up whenever somebody actually logs in, or when a permanently logged in Classmate hits any page. Yes, I think we should keep the email address. If an Admin has previously entered an email address for the Classmate I think it should stay, so that Classmate will continue to receive any site wide emails even though he or she has not yet joined the site.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 8:49 PM - Response #5
Brad Switzer wrote: Thus instead I propose we add the "Reset Clasmate" feature right in the same area where you actually verify the Classmate if you're using the New Classmate Verification feature. I.E. in that area we should have this:
What happens if you are not using the New Classmate Verification feature? Will there still be a way to reset?
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Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 9:07 PM - Response #6
I think it makes sense when used in conjunction with the Classmate Verification feature. Global delete things like this are a scary proposition though. If you give somebody a global delete, people will use it by mistake. You can't imagine the # of warnings we had to put up with the "Reset Class List" option to get people to stop blowing away their entire site full of Classmmates... If even 0.5% of people do something like this by mistake, it creates a huge customer service mess of people mailing and calling asking if we can restore their stuff. Thus I'm hesitant to put a global delete like this outside of the Classmate Verification feature. At most somebody would need to delete a name, readd the name, and reupload the senior photo. This can't take more than 2 minutes, so my thinking on this is to simply leave it alone.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 9:18 PM - Response #7
Lets just hope I never have to do it.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 9:30 PM - Response #8
That's OK. I found a workaround so I don't have to delete & readd the classmate.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 3:14 AM - Response #9
[quote="Brad Switzer"] If you give somebody a global delete, people will use it by mistake. You can't imagine the # of warnings we had to put up with the "Reset Class List" option to get people to stop blowing their entire site full of Classmmates... If even 0.5% of people do something like this by mistake, it creates a huge customer service mess of people mailing and calling asking if we can restore their stuff. quote] this is my biggest fear. having our site totally nuked by one of the administrators 'hitting the button' or causing havoc and undue headaches within the pages. Perhaps have only the main site administrator have the reset profile button?
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Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 5:01 AM - Response #10
perhaps allow only the site administrator control the reset button
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Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 11:57 AM - Response #11
I'm largely against the reset button outside of the Classmate verification feature... Kyle, can you please post your workaround here?