I deleted an image by accident in edit mode and, of course, the image file got deleted also. Unfortunately, when I tried to embed the image file again it didn't get resized. Has the web page editor changed or is the problem specific to my web page? The file gets uploaded successfully but the URL that's generated just has the name of the file I uploaded, not the funky name with the numbers in front of it and it's still the original size. Also, when I look at the source it's tagged as an instead of and I didn't see any to tell it to treat it as an image instead of an input.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 1:25 PM - Response #1
If you upload an image small enough to fit on your page in the first place, our system will not automatically resize it for you. If you upload an image that is larger than the space available on your page, our system will resize it the maximum possible width without blowing out your page. You can then further resize it with the image handles from there if you want.
Here's the thing: Our system cannot resize your image until you press the save button. After doing this, go back into edit mode and you'll see that our system did in fact resize your image.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 2:06 PM - Response #2
The image I uploaded was wider than the space available on my page. After I embedded the image I know I clicked on the save button because I was able to navigate to the page and see the newly embedded image. The image extended way beyond the edge of the page and my browser had a scroll bar along the bottom of the page which means the image hadn't been resized to fit on the page.
I went back into the editor for the page and viewed the HTML source for the image and as I mentioned in my post it was tagged as an with height and width parameters and not as an and used the original name, not the name with numbers in front of it. I embedded 2 other images in the same page a couple days ago that were the same width as the one mentioned above that did get resized by the editor and they were tagged as , not and they had the numbers in front of the names.
I ended up looking at the properties for the 2 other embedded images that had been resized properly and then I uploaded the new image again but before I clicked on the OK button on the Image Button editor I set the width to the same width as the other 2 embedded images and that worked. The new image was tagged and had the numbers pre-pended to the original name. I'm not sure what the problem is but I tried 3 times to upload the image and the same thing happened all 3 times until I set the width manually before exiting the Image Button editor.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 7:59 PM - Response #3
Well, that's pretty spooky...
I can only imagine something "weird" about the encoding of that particular image threw off our auto image resizer. Would you mind sending that original image to info@classcreator.com? I'd like to play around with it and see if I can get it to do the same thing.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 10:04 PM - Response #4 Flyer Inside.jpg
Yes, it is a little spooky but I have noticed some strange behavior with the editor when you switch back and forth between Source and Page view. I'd be happy to document the behavior and send that along if you're interested In the meantime, here is the original image file I tried to embed. Please note that it did work the first time I embedded it. The problems started after I accidentally deleted it and had to put it back. I'm not sure if it's because it was deleted and I tried to add it back or because there are already 2 other images embedded in that page that were resized or it was just the phase of the moon... If you want to play around with the image in the context of the page itself let me know and I'll send the URL.
BTW, your site is awesome given the features available and considering it's free. One suggestion off the top of my head is that I added the Reunion Planner and hooked that up with my PayPal account. I noticed that the PayPal button that appears on the Step 3 of 3 is not encrypted. It would be nice to be able to embed the button code yourself so it could be encrypted or maybe you could use the encryption on the fly.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 11:23 PM - Response #5
The only problem with making people embed the code themselves is a ton won't be able to (trust me on this). Just wondering, why encrypt the button? It's not like we're passing anything like credit card #'s or something like that. At most we're passing that people want to buy a reunion ticket, or a t-shirt or something like that. Not encrypting that button is what allows us to plug in all the variables so the PayPal system has them. In Reunion Planner II we'll probably interface directly with PayPal via the API, or maybe pull the plug on PayPal completely and build the ecommerce right in and cut checks -- I haven't decided yet.
We're about to upgrade the visual editor with a new one with File Library feature. Let's see how that one fares compared to the current one. If you notice any more "spooky stuff" after the new editor has launched I'd be happy to take you up on your offer.
Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 6:34 AM - Response #6
I totally agree forcing people to embed the button code themselves would be a problem but it would be nice to have the option to over ride the code if you want to. The PayPal site recommends that you use encrypted button code because unencrypted button code can be modified. It's true that it's not your credit card number or anything like that but you could for example alter the price of a product and submit that to PayPal and the web site wouldn't know any better. The vendor of course would see the charge and can take action at that point. Just a thought.
I'll look for the visual editor upgrade and let you know how that goes. If I notice any gremlins lurking about I'll try to narrow down the problem to something that can be reproduced and let you know. Please understand that my comments are not complaints, I love your site! I've done a lot of web development, everything from pure HTML hand coding to Dreamweaver and site builders like Network Solutions Image Cafe. I think you have a great thing going here and I'd like to help in anyway I can.
Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 1:54 PM - Response #7
Well thank you Jeff, I appreciate that. And by the way, I take nothing as complaints. I only take things constructively and understand everyone is trying to better the system. That's what we all want. Not to mention I'm simply to busy to read things as complaints -- I don't have time for complaints, heh.
Ok, just one thing on the button: Although somebody could alter a button (if they knew how in the code) to have a price more or less than what was actually owed, they're only paying you anyway. You ARE the vendor. You'd immediately see that you actually received more or less money than somebody owed you. Buttons would typically be encrypted if somebody had confidential information passing, or somebody had something to gain. In this case I just can't see it. Suffice it to say, we're not aware of one single button tampering occurrence -- ever -- after tens of thousands of payments have passed through our system. Nonetheless I do understand your point -- encryption could only make things that much more foolproof. Reunion Planner II is subject to change anyway, so we'll cross this bridge again when we come to it.
Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 5:02 PM - Response #8
Sounds good to me. Again, I think you have a great site going here and I definitely appreciate your VERY quick responses to my posts! That's a big confidence builder from a user perspective.