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Uploading Reunion Photos

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/26/12 09:45 AM Views: 1508 Replies: 3
Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 9:45 AM

We plan to have a photographer at our reunion next weekend, and I need to know how I can upload the photos on the website and how classmates can download them. I read some other posts on this forum and it appears that it's possible by first uploading the photos to a gallery and then creating a link that will go on a page where classmates can go and download them. My questions:
1. How and where do I upload the reunion photos?
2. How do I create the link?
3. How do classmates download the photos?


Monday, August 27, 2012 at 11:06 AM - Response #1

1. Go to the gallery Creator link under Admin Function. This video will help you get started:">

2. To create a link, follow the instructions here:">

3. When viewing any website, right-clicking (or control-clicking on a Mac) on an image will display a menu that usually includes an option to download or save the image you've clicked on. However, if you're trying to share high-quality images and not just the lower resolution versions that are best suited for displaying on a website, you may want to upload the photos to and put in a link to your account there on your class website.

Monday, August 27, 2012 at 2:30 PM - Response #2

We uploaded our photos to (which is a FREE photo sharing website) to create a gallery for our photo albums. All of our photos are uploaded, organized and sequenced there. We have found it much easier to manage the photos there than directly on the reunion website.

Our reunion website has links to the photoshop website that displays the album photos on our reunion website as a side show, step thru one at a time or a full window display in addition to a link to the photoshop gallery. From the gallery, users can also view all album photos and slideshows, print or download the photos in their original large format.

The reunion website displays the photoshop slideshow in a few seconds. We copied the slideshow Share Media code into Custom links editor and also used links in the Survey Maker and Gallery Creator editors.

Edited 08/27/12 8:18 PM
Monday, August 27, 2012 at 6:42 PM - Response #3

Hi Sandi,
We, also, are having a photographer at the reunion who will be taking candid photos during all three days. Because they are candid photos, we don't anticipate any needed retouch of anything. The photorapher is an old boyfriend of one of us and is not charging us.He's "burning it" onto a CD for which we've already taken advance orders at a $10.00 each price. For us that was the simplest way to go. The cost will be the price of the blank discs only.
I hear that 'photoshop' is a good program, but for us, unless you are a photo buff, you're buying and installing a program you may not use again.It depends on your budget and the percentage of using this service again.
I did find out, however, that the $10.00 price is very reasonable. The graphic shop where I live charges $15.00 for a finished disc if you bring in the photos, camera, flash drive or whatever the pics are on.
Hope this helps,

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