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Announcement - Source Code bleeding thru page

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 05/20/24 09:53 AM Views: 282 Replies: 2
Monday, May 20, 2024 at 9:53 AM

Why does my Announcement show ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols “bleeding” through onto the Announcement page (top line to the right-side of the right-hand cake emoji).

It is obvious to be some sort of typo. To my untrained eye, the code looks cluttered. I copied out the first paragraph and I asked a friend to take a look at it. They re-typed the first “paragraph.” Although, the revised script looks more organized and worked correctly in a separate Editor when added back into the rest of the page the problem remained. Therefore, the problem must be further down the page.

As I recall, I created this Announcement in the Editor and did not import the code EXCEPT for the emojis.


Edited 05/20/24 9:54 AM
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 6:13 PM - Response #1

Home page is restricted (so I can't see anything) or I could pinpoint the typo.

It usually means the characters shown are outside of actual HTML blocks of code.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 10:48 PM - Response #2

As an aside, your site is just one month old and apparently ultraprivate, for reasons best known to you. I'd consider unlocking your Home Page (making it available for public viewing) by doing this: Under Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages, on the Home Page, click on Edit Link, then uncheck "Restrict to Classmates Only." Then some of us besides the administrator can see your Home Page and help you with your difficulty.

Also, you may consider unlocking your Classmate Profiles page if it's locked, using the same procedure.

There is no private information, such as contact info, available to the public by unlocking these two pages. My guess is 99.9% of home pages are unlocked. You will definitely increase your odds of getting more classmates to join your site by doing so.

Edited 05/22/24 2:54 AM
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