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Profile Visibility Changes

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 03/23/15 09:41 PM Views: 1373 Replies: 6
Monday, March 23, 2015 at 9:41 PM

There seem to be some additional buttons to tick under Profile Visibility on Profiles. One seems to be duplicated and I can't tick them all. Be grateful for an explanation.

Monday, March 23, 2015 at 10:06 PM - Response #1

Please be more specific about what page you are talking about. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 4:49 AM - Response #2

I'm talking about my Profile page under Profile Visibility near the foot of the page. It now says this and it's the first time I've seen it -

Profile Visibility:       
       Allow only Classmates from Sloane Grammar School Hortensia Road Chelsea London England 1919-1970 Old Cheyneans and Friends to view my profile.
       Allow all Classmates from Sloane Grammar School Hortensia Road Chelsea London England to view my profile.
       Allow all members of Class Connection to view my Profile.
       Allow my Facebook friends to view my profile.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 9:08 AM - Response #3

You mean EDIT PROFILE page.
These options appear if you have also joined the Facebook App called Class Connection.
Three of them are RADIO BUTTONS meaning that only one of them can be selected at a time. The bottom one is a check box.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 10:09 AM - Response #4

First I've heard of it, Kyle. Would have been nice to have been told.

Regarding the Radio buttons,can you please explain what is meant by -

1) All members of Class Connection (Does it mean anyone from any registered school?)

2) Facebook friends (is that anyone who is a 'friend' of mine on Facebook whether they are website members or not?)

3) The first and second Radio buttons seem to refer to the same thing but use slightly different wording. What's the difference?


Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 10:45 AM - Response #5

I believe these changes were announced in the ClassConnections forum.

These are the options:
1.        Allow only Classmates from Sloane Grammar School Hortensia Road Chelsea London England 1919-1970 Old Cheyneans and Friends to view my profile.
2.       Allow all Classmates from Sloane Grammar School Hortensia Road Chelsea London England to view my profile.
3.       Allow all members of Class Connection to view my Profile.

#1 - Only those who have joined YOUR website to view your profile
#2 - There could be other ClassCreator websites for your school, but different years or individual years for different classes. This option will allow any one of the school websites with the same name as your school to view your profile.
#3 - Allow anyone with the Class Connection app to visit your school and view your profile.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 1:32 PM - Response #6

Thanks for clearing that up, Kyle.

To my knowledge there's only one website for my school, the one I created and run, so I don't know why two names for the same school are showing. Presumably i just tick #1 as that's what I named mine. As you'll see both names are almost identical but there was definitely only school in Hortensia Road.

If the changes were announced in the Class Connections forum how would anyone know unless they had time to look there every day? I don't and I may never have found out until I looked at my own EDIT PROFILE as I did for an unconnected reason today.

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