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Adding "Falling Snow" - nice and easy

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/07/19 01:22 PM Views: 831 Replies: 9
Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 1:22 PM

I added "falling snowflakes" a few years ago as a seasonal effect to my class's homepage. I am thinking of doing it again now to make my warmer climate classmates either enviously jealous...or glad they are where they are!!
I have noticed many posts about adding snow by searching Class Creator forum archives.
Would someone like to provide a nice clear, easy way to do it not only for me, but as a way for newly joined admins to know as well? Thanks as always. ~Jon

Edited 02/07/19 9:21 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 4:42 PM - Response #1

If you can add falling snow, can you add fireworks?

I would like to add a single blast of fireworks when a classmate first opens the Home Page only.

... CAV ...

Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 6:57 PM - Response #2

I made a snow, fireworks, etc script a few years ago. It's pretty simple to use.

In it's simplest form for snow, looks like this - you add this to a page in Editor Source Mode (click upper left option)

This is the Documentation Page with various options, including fireworks.

You can use ANY images if you don't like the defaults. The documentation page display is an example of custom images and text variations (demo purpose only).

This page is just SNOW example.

I had a page where you could click samples of each. Must have accidentally deleted it? I still have the sample pages. Will post links in a bit.

One could do a 1-time thingy, but for now it repeats. If you make the time delay large and only use 1-object, with no speed, might be ok.

Edited 02/07/19 8:07 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 7:21 PM - Response #3

I forgot, the documentation page HAS samples of each one Surprised

For example, Click the Snow Demo box, Leaf Demo etc.

Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 8:04 PM - Response #4

Thanks Jack, I've used most of them. Any chance you can find something for Spring and Summer? I have used the Shamrocks before for St. Pat's day, But would like something for the entire season...

Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 8:33 PM - Response #5

You can pick your own images. The only rule is that an image should have a "transparent*" background. GIF and PNG support transparency. JPG does not.

(* A transparent background means that nothing is shown there, so your normal page background shows.)

Flowers for Spring?

Summer could also be some sort of flower. I used "Sunflowers" for another page.

If somebody gives some acceptable samples, it's easy to add.

The way to find images is to type something like this for Google: "flower png images" gif works too but tend to get animated images.

You'd want to reduce the image size though so it doesn't load a user's processor too much. Same thing with too many images. Can run like a slug on older processors Cool

Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 12:23 PM - Response #6

. . . CAV . . . wrote:

I would like to add a single blast of fireworks when a classmate first opens the Home Page only.

I assume that you already know this, but for anyone else who is new.

For a single fireworks blast that is animated, you would probably want to google search for a GIF image, which is generally animated as opposed to a PNG image that is not animated. Perhaps: image single blast GIF fireworks

Most of the results are multiple blasts and are in a loop that repeats the blast over and over, so it may take some searching.

A couple of things you may or may not be aware of, first, on a google search, the order of your words will render a different result, the words that are placed first will have a higher priority, so try rephrasing your search sometimes will help.

Second, you should know that it is possible to edit GIF images and it's not real difficult to change the timing and to turn off the repeat.

Google search: GIF stopping repeat. Also, if you don't already have a photo editor that will work with GIF images, search for: GIF free software to edit GIF.

A google search for: GIF resources, turned up a number of resources inclucing, Make a GIF and an article listing 10 GIF resources that might be helpful.

One GIF I found on Giphy was Single Burst, but with repeat, but images are so personal, it may not be what YOU had in mind. Good luck with your search!


P.S. Googled: Falling Burgers
and found a GIF of Falling Hamburgers...

So you can probably find most of whatever you want

Edited 02/13/19 3:35 PM
Monday, December 9, 2024 at 9:10 PM - Response #7

I'm still confused. I got the falling snow to work. But can't get the ornaments to work (I put into a new page)


Edited 12/09/24 9:24 PM
Monday, December 9, 2024 at 10:25 PM - Response #8

Since this post was made I moved all the various scripts to a new site,

This is the link to the various animations possible .. ALL code is added using Editor Source Mode. Two "script" entries are added. The first script loads the actual code. The second entry picks the type of "snow" desired.

Ornament code is

This is put on any page where you want the script to run. [If put in "preferences" it would run on ALL the pages. Probably not a good idea.]

Edited 12/09/24 10:27 PM
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 9:47 AM - Response #9

Thanks Jack

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