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Pointing two domains to one site

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 10/08/15 04:11 PM Views: 1235 Replies: 1
Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 4:11 PM

An admin has a domain from a site they are moving to Class Creator. We know they need to:
1. Input the IP in the A record where they paid for their domain subscription.
2. Go to their site, click on Register Domain under Admin Functions.
3. Enter their domain name in the field marked, "After reserving a domain name enter it here:"

The domain was a .com. The admin has a second domain with the same name except it is a .org.

The domain extension does not matter but we ask...

If the admin follows the above steps for the second domain, will it overwrite the first domain entered or will BOTH domains point to the site, which is what is wanted?

Referencing Scott's Response #1 found in another thread - HERE. Is the IP still the same?

Edited 10/08/15 4:41 PM
Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 11:36 PM - Response #1

If both are pointing to the same site the best way to do it is to choose a primary domain - I typically would choose the .com as the primary. Point the primary domain to the IP address and that is the only domain you enter into the Register Domain box on the site.

The secondary domain should be a URL Redirect/Forwarding domain. So the settings on that domain would not be an IP address it would instead be Forward to: for that domain with and without the www in front of it.

In if they happen to be registered there it is called a URL redirect to: for the domain with and without the www in front of it.

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