Monday, June 26, 2017 at 8:24 AM - Response #2
When you edit the Missing Classmates page, you will notice that there are four different choices to choose from on how to consider a classmate being missing: [ X ] Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates who have not joined the site. [ ] Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no email address entered in the system. [ ] Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no street address entered in the system. [ ] Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with neither email address nor street address entered in the system. You have the first one "who have not joined the site". You can print out a list of those who have not joined the website by going to Manage Classmates, Download Classlist, choose all of the options you want in the spreadsheet, including NAME, Phone Number, Email, etc., but make sure you also choose the "Joined On " option to download. Then download the file. The next step is to SORT the "Joined On" column, delete all of the classmates who have a date in that column. You can then resort the spreadsheet according to Last Name and have your list that you desire.