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Name Tags

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/20/13 08:36 AM Views: 1117 Replies: 4
Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 8:36 AM

We did a survey after the reunion and one of the complaints was the name tags are to small. The older we get the harder is to read. For future planning can you make them bigger? The size of the tag was ok to fit in the covers but the wording was still small for some and I used the largest font available. We love the layout and I used the least amount of information possible but they were still to small for some people. Come the 45th they may not see them at all. A suggestion would be to make the name go all the way across the bottom of the tag.

Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 10:51 AM - Response #1

I agree! Also, there isn't much to choose as far as size of the labels. We are having our 45th reunion in a week and I have already printed the tags and fear classmates won't be able to read the name tag. Maybe I don't understand the process - as I see you can select pdf or excel tags. I tried doing the merge on excel but couldn't get the photos to transfer to the excel function. Using the pdf function, enlarging is impossible. I prefer using avery #74571 which gives 6 to a page = 3"4" labels. The format avail thru class creator is the size of a business card.

What can we do to enlarge the labels to 3"4"?
thanks, Julie

Saturday, August 10, 2013 at 1:53 AM - Response #2

Is the name tags ever going out of BETA?

Would also like to have 3"/4" tags. We would like to use Avery template 74540. Is this a possibility?

Monday, August 12, 2013 at 11:26 AM - Response #3

An honest answer here is that we are not completely happy with the Nametag generator either. We have been discussing ideas on a total revamp of that area of the site using HTML5 which should reduce compatibility issues as well as make the system more flexible for other layout options. However, this will not be an active project until we have some other major projects completed. So, unfortunately, that means your best option for now would be to use the Excel export of the Nametag data and use Avery Word templates to build your own nametags.

Monday, August 12, 2013 at 11:59 AM - Response #4

What about IE8 users? Also IE10 in compatibility (IE7) does not support work correctly. Just sayinWink

The PDF is pretty good, it just isn't coded quite right. Or try once more for a MSWord file that actually works. That would make it much easier to modify.

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