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Uploading Photos

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/15/14 10:49 PM Views: 1041 Replies: 17
Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 10:49 PM

Uploading and managing photos was so much more convenient with the Image Editor on the Classic profiles. Since the advent of W8 I've run into problems with photo orientation from time to time. Ok on my computer but rotated once uploaded. With the Image Editor that was easy to take care of. Now with the photo upload software in the Social profile there is no edit capability. What are the chances of edit capability being added to the Social profile tool?

Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 11:50 PM - Response #1

Unfortunately the old editor was Flash based. In today's world it just doesn't make sense anymore. iPads and iPhones and nearly all Android devices don't support Flash. And it's only going to get worse. There are some HTML5 image editing solutions we can look into. For the moment the best best is adjusting your pic orientation locally prior to upload.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 12:58 AM - Response #2

I understand what you're saying but how does one go about adjusting the picture locally before upload? The picture looks ok locally. It isn't until after upload and the orientation has changed that one is aware of any problem.

A potential way of fixing the image prior to upload was found by Jack V wherein if you opened the photo in a program like Paint and saved it that it then had a chance of uploading correctly to the site. Not sure why but it did seem to work at least some of the time. Not fun, frustrating and very time consuming.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 4:59 PM - Response #3

The bottom line is that whatever we have now isn't meeting our needs. Whatever is being done to 'normalize' pictures we upload simply isn't acceptable at times, and there's no obvious way to manage - or recover from - whatever it's done.

I had a jpeg the other day which, for whatever reason, would not display when uploaded. Of course, it appeared normal when viewed with four Windows based picture managers. I opened the jpeg in MS Office Picture Manager, saved it with no changes, and then it uploaded and it displayed normally - even though the size and pixel count did not change.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 6:23 PM - Response #4

Are you talking about actual orientation (i.e. landscape vs. portrait) or something else? The uploader never changes the orientation of photos.

F C Bock wrote:

I understand what you're saying but how does one go about adjusting the picture locally before upload? The picture looks ok locally. It isn't until after upload and the orientation has changed that one is aware of any problem.

A potential way of fixing the image prior to upload was found by Jack V wherein if you opened the photo in a program like Paint and saved it that it then had a chance of uploading correctly to the site. Not sure why but it did seem to work at least some of the time. Not fun, frustrating and very time consuming.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 6:25 PM - Response #5

Please attach the original JPG here. I don't recall hearing of this issue before. What made this JPG?

Other than wanting a new web based image editor, is there anything else being done to photos you're not happy with? All we're doing is resizing images to fit properly if they're too large, which is pretty normal. If there's anything specific to discuss regarding how we're changing photos please let me know.

John Ralph wrote:

The bottom line is that whatever we have now isn't meeting our needs. Whatever is being done to 'normalize' pictures we upload simply isn't acceptable at times, and there's no obvious way to manage - or recover from - whatever it's done.

I had a jpeg the other day which, for whatever reason, would not display when uploaded. Of course, it appeared normal when viewed with four Windows based picture managers. I opened the jpeg in MS Office Picture Manager, saved it with no changes, and then it uploaded and it displayed normally - even though the size and pixel count did not change.

Edited 03/16/14 6:26 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Response #6

Brad Switzer wrote:

Are you talking about actual orientation (i.e. landscape vs. portrait) or something else? The uploader never changes the orientation of photos.

Yes, landscape vs portrait.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 8:34 PM - Response #7

This video shows what I'm talking about. I first show the image thumbnail and then open it with IrfanView. It shows in the proper orientation in both places. I then upload it to a profile and it's rotated.

Sorry the video is so long and herky jerky. Navigation seems to be impeded at times when using Jing. The photo exceeds 2000KB so I cannot attach it to this message.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 9:19 PM - Response #8

The photo FC has in the video was discussed maybe about a year ago. I played with that image too. And it's come up several times since.

Since then I found out what this is all about because my daughter sent me some pictures with the same symptom. The "fix" rewrites the image in an "as displayed" orientation using Exif metadata.

Exif (Exchangeable image file format) in JPG indicates the orientation of the camera. For example, you can tilt a camera sideways, "upside down", portrait or landscape and the image is always shown in the correct orientation if the software decodes correctly.

So it's simply a case of CC's program not recognizing Exif correctly.

There a quite a few online program that work. I forget the one I've posted a few times but obviously it's been done more than once NOT using Flash. One might be available for a small fee?

Brad Switzer wrote:

Please attach the original JPG here. I don't recall hearing of this issue before. What made this JPG?


Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 9:24 PM - Response #9

This isn't the same one I posted before, but pretty much complete for CC's use LINK

Also this one from Adobe LINK

Edited 03/16/14 9:25 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 11:05 PM - Response #10

Great! Thanks guys. We will look into this. There's a lot going on right now so I marked it medium priority but it's now on the hit list.

Monday, March 17, 2014 at 1:04 PM - Response #11

Before the advent of Class Connection I had uploaded yearbook pictures for everyone in the class. Whomever did not have a picture, I used our mascot. Now, for one of my classmates, I have a junior picture and want to replace the generic mascot. However, I don't seem to be able to do so, not in Class Connection and not in Class Creator. The mascot is not editable and I'd love to know how to switch pictures. Both are JPGs.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at 1:12 AM - Response #12

Brad, Unfortunately, I didn't keep the original jpeg once I figured out how to 'fix' it so it would display. I hope that some of the discussion above will help to pinpoint that problem, although what I saw was that it simply would not display at all when previewed or saved.

Beyond the need for a 'real' picture editor, and as far as some of the other things done to photos which are less than 'user friendly', reducing an animated gif from 101K to 45K because it was 541 x 309 when I was trying to upload it to the home page destroyed the animation. I can understand why it was reduced, although I'd rather see a better solution for handling animated gifs. But.. that also happened when I uploaded it directly to the image vault - which already contains much larger files. I think that's a bug.

I finally uploaded it to a test page (where it fit easily and was not compressed by the upload) and then brought it into the home page from the image vault and clicked and dragged a corner to make it fit. So while there were several ways around the problem, they were not intuitive, and I shouldn't have needed them.

Monday, March 24, 2014 at 11:22 AM - Response #13

bevshul - In Class Creator, you should be able to make this change by going to Manage Classmates > Enter / Edit Classmates > Edit Profile (or YB icon) and then hover over the Yearbook image and look for Remove. Then click the image again to go to Select Photo. I've tested this an it works on my end.

Monday, March 24, 2014 at 11:24 AM - Response #14

John - a new Image Editor is on our wish list for the future. We too would like one that is more versatile and have explored some options. We have not been able to find a cost effective one so far but it remains on our wishlist to do so.

Monday, March 24, 2014 at 1:11 PM - Response #15

How cheap do you want it? I've found several that are peanuts to license. Plus open source projects.

Monday, March 24, 2014 at 4:31 PM - Response #16

Very Wink

Monday, March 24, 2014 at 6:06 PM - Response #17

I'll send you a bag of peanuts Surprised

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