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Photos will not upload

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 12/28/09 12:22 PM Views: 1353 Replies: 2
Monday, December 28, 2009 at 12:22 PM

I've tried 3 times to load a new Christmas photo to my personal profile. Each tiime it appears it's uploading but when the photo page reappears after the upload page, the photo is not at the bottom of the photo list.

This is the first time that's happened. Any suggestions? I didn't think there was a limit to the number of photos allowed on individual profiles.


Monday, December 28, 2009 at 1:09 PM - Response #1

Class Creator limits the size of pictures that can be uploaded. I think the width can't be greater than 1000 px wide (one pixel is 1/72 of an inch, so 720 is 10 inches). Try to resize the image and try uploading it again. is a free program that can resize the image for you.

Monday, December 28, 2009 at 2:39 PM - Response #2

Kyle Erickson wrote:

Class Creator limits the size of pictures that can be uploaded. I think the width can't be greater than 1000 px wide (one pixel is 1/72 of an inch, so 720 is 10 inches). Try to resize the image and try uploading it again. is a free program that can resize the image for you.

Yep, that did it. I thought CC always resized the images when uploaded so never had to resize. Thank you!

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