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appending Classmates to your current list

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 02/15/10 04:01 PM Views: 1279 Replies: 1
Monday, February 15, 2010 at 4:01 PM

Is there any way to append (batch updated) data to existing classmates contact information without manually editingQuestion


John Braunscheidel
SHHS Class of 1980

Edited 02/15/10 4:02 PM
Monday, February 15, 2010 at 5:47 PM - Response #1

Nope. Not if the Classmate is already in the system. You can batch upload only 1 time. The reason for this is at its core, Class Creator is a big database. That database can be updated by anyone, for instance every time a Classmate updates his or her Profile, they're making a database update. What happens if you're sitting there working on a local copy of Classmate data, and at the same time Classmates are in the live system also making an update? Then you batch upload your revisions, thus blowing away any of the work they did. There's just too much risk w/ overwriting data if we allowed batch edits to replace live data. For this reason you must edit records within the system once they've been added to the system.

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