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Where is general info about multi-year sites?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/21/11 08:30 PM Views: 1320 Replies: 5
Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 8:30 PM

Where can I find info about multi-year sites, especially the features included, cost, and combining existing single-year sites? The info in faqs is limited, and I don't want to wade through all the forums on the subject. Thanks.

A related question because we might want this instead of a multi-year site: I saw a forum that mentioned "guest passes." Does such a feature exist and is it different from guest membership?

Monday, May 23, 2011 at 10:14 AM - Response #1

There are only two significant feature differences between Multi-year and Single-year sites.

1. Multi Year gets a TEACHER PROFILES in addition to CLASSMATE PROFILES. (also includes Teacher Profile Generator)

2. Multi-year gets an additional Classmate Details question about "Year of graduation".

Everything else is the same. There is still only one Root Admin - not a different admin for each graduating year.

The "Guest Passes" issue was kicked around a couple of years ago. No development on that idea has been done. Yes, it would be different than a guest membership. The "Guest Passes" if turned on would allow other classmates from ClassCreator websites from the same high school to be logged into their own website, then click on a link to be logged in as a "guest" to your website. You wouldn't need to add them as a guest to your website first, they would just gain access as a guest because you have the same parent high school. This feature (if developed) would be turned on/off by the admin.

Monday, May 23, 2011 at 10:22 AM - Response #2

Hi Kyle,
What about "converting" a Single year website into a Multi-year site? Not sure that we will - but just in case.

Monday, May 23, 2011 at 10:56 AM - Response #3

Kyle, what is the difference, if any, between the Guest Passes and Alumni Page, that I am anxiously hoping for later this year?

I now have 3 classes from our school, and working on convincing number 4. I am really anxious for the Alumni Page proposal, or even Guest Passes, as that seems to me to sound somewhat similar.

Monday, May 23, 2011 at 11:17 AM - Response #4

There's no automatic conversion of several single years into a new multi-year. You'll retain whichever year you started with to create your multi-year, but all the others have to be added manually. You can export the single year contacts, reformat the file to the import style and pull them into the multi-year that way, but it won't do the profile questions.

As I understand it, the addresses imported would not be visible to the individual classmate it belonged to, either, just to the admins.

Edited 05/23/11 11:18 AM
Monday, May 23, 2011 at 11:25 AM - Response #5

Derrell Pulis wrote:

Kyle, what is the difference, if any, between the Guest Passes and Alumni Page, that I am anxiously hoping for later this year?

I now have 3 classes from our school, and working on convincing number 4. I am really anxious for the Alumni Page proposal, or even Guest Passes, as that seems to me to sound somewhat similar.

I think they are basically the same. Neither have been designed or worked on yet. Still waiting for the basic "Classcreator 3.0" stuff to be released before any new work can be done.

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