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Drop Down list

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/19/09 09:40 AM Views: 1347 Replies: 1
Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 9:40 AM

I noticed a lot of the alumni who signed on are not showing on the drop down list. Do they have to go to the section of where they are after so many sign on?

Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 10:31 AM - Response #1

Linda Jacovino wrote:

I noticed a lot of the alumni who signed on are not showing on the drop down list. Do they have to go to the section of where they are after so many sign on?

Hi Linda,

I am not sure what you are talking about, so I will guess.

Are you talking about the "Admin Functions/Statistics/List users and last login dates" and they aren't showing up there? Is a classmate logging in and not showing up on this screen?

Or are you talking about the "Profile Updates" drop-down. Since you mentioned Drop-Down, I will assume you mean "Profile Updates". This drop-down only shows a change when a classmate changes something on their profile.

If this didn't answer your question, please rephrase your question.

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