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Googling My Name

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/01/12 06:11 AM Views: 1321 Replies: 4
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 6:11 AM

Everyone should do this once in awhile, google one's own name and see what comes up. I see some things that are troubling me. I say Happy Birthday to people and those are showing up in the google listing. I didn't actually go in and check; because there were so many and not that many folks are unlocked, but would that happen because they have left their profiles unlocked?

If that is the answer, perhaps if we admins are going to do that sort of thing (which I think is appreciated) we should check first, if they are not locked up, send them a message privately before posting on their profile. Lordy, I have 20 pages on Google. I write a blog, I get that, I am asking for that to be public, but I just could not believe how much was from Class Creator!

Any thoughts from the top?


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 12:49 PM - Response #1

Unless you click the Log Out link in your website before you leave, any search results showing pages from your class site will display contents that are NOT SHOWN to anyone who is not logged into your class site.

Classmates have an option in the Edit Profile page to share their profiles (including comments made on their profiles by other classmates) with the ENTIRE INTERNET. By default, this option is OFF, so that only classmates who are logged into the site can see those pages.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 6:20 PM - Response #2


I was at work when your answer came in and you are probably done for the day. I opened two tabs on my Chrome browser and I went back and forth and could easily see that the happy birthdays were, with one exception, to people with open profiles. That one exception could have very well locked her profile after I wrote the message.

I always log out because I use google analytics and the figures are skewed whenever anyone stays logged in and while I can't control others, I can certainly log out myself.

There is really nothing outrageous on these entries. I think from hence forth I will check on the persons having a birthday and then if they are locked up, I will feel OK about saying HBD, and if they are not, I will send a message.

The things you learn when you google yourself. I have a LinkedIn and Facebook accounts, plus I do blog, so all of those things are reasonable, as well as the open links of CC. I realize that and even.....expect it (I do have tight settings on Facebook, but nothing out of the order is revealed)

Thanks for your explanation. If I honestly thought people were saying weird things, I would explain it to them, but it's all very harmless, and I don't think I need to add to paranoia!

Take Care,

Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 3:12 PM - Response #3

If we check the below under profile, does this protect us from internet viewers being able to view our profiles?

I just want to make sure I understand.

Allow only fellow Classmates to view my Profile details. This will block the public and search engines from accessing your Profile. Leave this box unchecked if you wish to allow the public (friends, co-workers, family members, etc.) to view your Profile details.



Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 3:20 PM - Response #4


Yes, if that checkbox is checked, when Google or another search engine visits each link on your website, it will try to access your profile page and since Google isn't logged in to your website, it will get the "You must log in first" page.

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