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How do I get reports out of the system

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/22/09 04:31 PM Views: 1352 Replies: 1
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 4:31 PM

Folks, I've been on this for 24 hours. I am the administrator and folks are rsvp'ing for the reunion. They are answering questions I've asked about food, who's attending, how they plan to pay, etc. I get emails but is there a way to run a report?

Also, do I hear when folks pay via the web site?

Any help would be appreciated.


Brent Routman

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 9:51 PM - Response #1

Yes, if anyone pays you by credit card you get an email copy. You can also see the payment in your Reunion Attendees management of course.

You are in the new Reunion Planner II. Right now your copies are emailed and seen in the Attendees area, but there is no Excel export tool yet, although that's coming.

By the way, you did a GREAT job of setting up your reunion, providing instructions for your Classmates, customizing your Reunion Registration form, allowing multiple forms of payment and adjusting for fees. You set it up perfectly. NICELY DONE!

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