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Senior Photos - Lost my Formatting

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/11/09 07:50 AM Views: 1343 Replies: 2
Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 7:50 AM

Somehow I lost my formatting near the bottom of my Senior Photo page. Can you help get me back on track? Also, when I'm entering new photos and I run out of rows, how do I make the table larger to acommodate the new photos without throwing everything out of whack?

Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 11:51 AM - Response #1

JUDITH Willis wrote:

Somehow I lost my formatting near the bottom of my Senior Photo page. Can you help get me back on track? Also, when I'm entering new photos and I run out of rows, how do I make the table larger to acommodate the new photos without throwing everything out of whack?

1) Formatting: I see why you're asking both questions. You started a new table instead of continuing the currently table. Which caused the formatting to change. The way to fix this is to continue the table and stick with the current formatting.

2) Adding more rows: Right click in any row, select Rows, insert row. You can insert all the rows you want by doing this. If you already have a photo in your last cell it can be a little difficult to right click there, because you have to right click in the exact little blank spot between your photo and your table border. You may find it easier to right click and insert more table rows before you've actually added the final photo.

FYI, I added this code to each of your photos while I was in there:


What this does is inserts 6 pixels of white space both above and below your photos. Kind of helps to balance the page out a little bit, keeping the spacing between photos both horizontally and vertically consistent. If you add any additional photos you should also add vspace="6". You can do this by:

1) Right clicking the photo
2) Going into photo properties
3) Entering a 6 in the vspace field.

Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 12:06 PM - Response #2

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