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Reunion attendee icon

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/18/12 07:43 PM Views: 1176 Replies: 3
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 7:43 PM

We are having a big problem with people answering the "yes" I'm attending the reunion on their profile and then they think they are registered for the reunion. We have been constantly trying to make people understand that they need to register and place an "order" for the event they are attending, but nothing we have done so far seems to keep this from happening.

Then today I was trying to make sure that everyone that indicated they were coming had registered and when I chose to send an email to everyone who had said yes or maybe, some of those that had said yes were not on the list. I had to print the list then manually select who I wanted to email. I remember one of the names was Rick Fleming that had said yes, but did not show up on the email list.

I am ready to remove the question about the reunion from the profile area to see if that would resolve the problem, but then I read on the forum that you cannot deactivate it if you have an active reunion. Is this correct? I need some suggestions. I thought the website was going to make things easier for us, but we are going nuts trying to make sure that everyone that thinks they have "registered" have actually registered.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 8:48 PM - Response #1

You can deactivate it. It is a question in each event. Just go to Reunion Planner, Edit, then scroll down to the event, click SHOW MORE, then deactivate the option to show the Attending Reunion icon on your Classmate Profiles page.

We are aware that there are still some Reports, Export Class List, and Email The Class options that still need to be converted over to the new Reunion Planner format. The programmers are working on these items.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 10:22 PM - Response #2

Maybe we are not talking about the same thing. I was thinking about the question when they join the site that asks if they are coming and they can answer yes, no, or maybe. We are finding that once they do that, then they never go and register on the reunion page, even when we have an announcement telling them they have to register, not just answer that question "yes". If I deactivate the question on the profile, is there still something that will show those that have registered for the various events on our reunion page?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 10:36 PM - Response #3

Ok, I looked and see where the questions on the profile page are coming from the reunion planner and I like that it shows up on the profile page and appreciate that it can build excitement. However, even though it says that when they click yes they are given instructions for ordering tickets, and I have placed instructions on the home page and recently moved them to the top, added a link on the homepage and have done all I can think to do to make it clear they must register by placing an order, they still continue to say they are coming and not ever register. I wish the note saying they are attending would be based on those actually registering so they have to register before their profile shows they are attending. Maybe it is just our technilogically challenged age group that is having so much trouble getting thisRolling Eyes

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