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Live Chat request for wish list

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 03/15/12 12:32 AM Views: 1658 Replies: 14
Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 12:32 AM


Until a few weeks ago, I was doing my best to host the chat and take notes - mostly copy/paste. That is not easy. It is worse when lines do not allow one to copy. Three weeks ago, Marla offered to handle logging the chats. She took it on during the first chat she attended. I am so grateful for Marla's help, yet know it seems like it will never end when taking on this task.

So for Marla, myself and as requested by members in the chat, I ask that you add finding or building a Live Chat with logging ability to the Wish List. We'd like to included everyone in the chat - for the entire chat.

Thanks, CC!

(Written into the wee hours after a lengthy chat.)

Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 3:28 PM - Response #1

Hi Gwen,

Adding to Wish List! As you of course know we have a large plate of new features coming out this year but we'll definitely add this one to. May take awhile to get to it but consider it an officially slated feature.


Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 9:00 PM - Response #2

Brad Switzer wrote:

Hi Gwen,

Adding to Wish List! As you of course know we have a large plate of new features coming out this year but we'll definitely add this one to. May take awhile to get to it but consider it an officially slated feature.


Thanks, Brad!

Friday, March 16, 2012 at 10:15 AM - Response #3

There are programs available like "Webwatcher" and maybe some others that can do what you want. The time saved may outweigh the cost. Just google WebWatcher.

Friday, March 16, 2012 at 10:36 AM - Response #4

RE: Live Chat request for wish list
Posted Friday, March 16, 2012 at 10:33 AM
Good morning, Brad,
Wish List- finding or building a live chat.

For those of us who are neophytes, the sessions are invaluable. Gwen is patient, understanding, and very helpful-a Mother Teresa. She should be applauded for all of her efforts. It cannot be easy helping others on CC, teaching, and maintaining her websites. However, she cannot do EVERYTHING!


Kathi Russell-Rader

Friday, March 16, 2012 at 11:33 AM - Response #5

I need to be able to log the chats. In AOHELL...we had the option to log the chats or not!!! It's great when you are using the chats for teaching purposes.
As far as on my site..the people just won't use chat..even if we schedule one. So it doesn't matter to me.
Hey....more brownies in your future if you can roll out logging chats sooner!!! WinkWink
I know CC has a lot on their plate right now..trying to roll out CC 3.0.
I am waiting for them to stop tinkering with I can use it as a store for buying HS stuff and donations.
I did notice some of the changes in the reunion planner...nice job guys!!

Friday, March 16, 2012 at 4:11 PM - Response #6

Yes, very nice job. I've used it and only had a few minor problems.



Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 2:36 PM - Response #7

Robert Cullen wrote:

There are programs available like "Webwatcher" and maybe some others that can do what you want. The time saved may outweigh the cost. Just google WebWatcher.

Thanks, Bob. I do not have personal funds to put into my class sites nor TAP. I am on the job search and the funds are not available for that. I do appreciate the info and will tuck it away. Smile

Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 2:39 PM - Response #8

Kathleen Russell-Rader wrote:

RE: Live Chat request for wish list
Posted Friday, March 16, 2012 at 10:33 AM
Good morning, Brad,
Wish List- finding or building a live chat.

For those of us who are neophytes, the sessions are invaluable. Gwen is patient, understanding, and very helpful-a Mother Teresa. She should be applauded for all of her efforts. It cannot be easy helping others on CC, teaching, and maintaining her websites. However, she cannot do EVERYTHING!


Kathi Russell-Rader

Oh my gosh, Kathi. I have to admit, about four years ago in a phone call, my son told me I was Mother Teresa! Seriously! Gosh, I hope that doesn't hurt my future contact with available men! Wink Don't tell anyone! Laughing

Edited 03/17/12 2:45 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 2:43 PM - Response #9

Webmaster Darlene wrote:

I need to be able to log the chats. In AOHELL...we had the option to log the chats or not!!! It's great when you are using the chats for teaching purposes.
As far as on my site..the people just won't use chat..even if we schedule one. So it doesn't matter to me.
Hey....more brownies in your future if you can roll out logging chats sooner!!! WinkWink
I know CC has a lot on their plate right now..trying to roll out CC 3.0.
I am waiting for them to stop tinkering with I can use it as a store for buying HS stuff and donations.
I did notice some of the changes in the reunion planner...nice job guys!!

Oh my gosh, Darlene!!! AOhelL! The chats I hosted in Scouting Online were a piece of cake. The chats in Kids Only were a completely different story! There I was KO Kasper... I flew through walls. Very talented.. that is me. Wink

Oh my... your choice of words.
Enough said. :::shaking head:::

Edited 03/17/12 2:43 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 2:45 PM - Response #10

I am so happy I did not see these replies until now. Thanks for the laughs and compliments. You are all too kind.

Next chat is this Wednesday, 8:30 PM EDT!

Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 5:06 PM - Response #11

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't this topic brought up in one of the early TAP chat sessions?

I guess I am pretty darn narrow minded or bull headed, or simply cannot see other peoples reasoning.
Why continue to fight the same problem of not being able to copy/save the entire chat 'in one fell swoop,' until CC addresses the issue? [This is probably very low on their priority list right now.]
Copying is very labor intensive as any of you that have attempted it well know. They {CC} are up to their ears in getting things working properly in 3.0, and I don't want to put any more pressure on them over this, but . . .
Why not do the Chat in a different 'program' that will allow easily saving all of the entries, until CC gets the situation resolved? I am sure there is more than one free one out there.
I really don't think Brad would be offended. Do you?
A couple of years ago when I talked to him [and ended up sending him a gen-u-ine Texas smoked brisket], he seemed like a very easy going and reasonable person.
I realize they are having unforeseen issues with the upgrades, but I think he would understand us going to a different 'chat' program, outside of CC, until they get around to addressing the issue within CC.


Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 7:55 PM - Response #12

Steve, Several weeks ago, you suggested we make a Facebook group page and use it to chat. I'm not moving our chats to Facebook or off CC. I do realize there are other programs. I do not have time to research those. At this time, Marla and I are working on the process. Thanks for your concern.

Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 11:12 AM - Response #13

I put in a request to the programmer who created the live chat system to see when we can add a logging feature. Yes, there's a great deal going on right now. Much of it is structural, allowing us a feature we can grow into more easily (we've spent too much time growing out of structure). All of this makes way for new stuff and better systems. Chat logging shouldn't be overly complex. Like all things it's just a matter of time and priorities. Stay tuned on this.

Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 12:03 PM - Response #14

Brad Switzer wrote:

I put in a request to the programmer who created the live chat system to see when we can add a logging feature. Yes, there's a great deal going on right now. Much of it is structural, allowing us a feature we can grow into more easily (we've spent too much time growing out of structure). All of this makes way for new stuff and better systems. Chat logging shouldn't be overly complex. Like all things it's just a matter of time and priorities. Stay tuned on this.

Thanks, Brad! Very Happy

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