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My blog about my experience with Class Creator

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/07/12 07:38 AM Views: 1150 Replies: 2
Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 7:38 AM

I started writing during the planning of our 40th last year. The blog, called "Connection Intersection," was about various topics related to the reunion---and then I went on. My mission is "relationships" or "issues of interest to people of a certain age."

I wrote this entry awhile ago but am just now publishing it. It's about my relationship with CC and how much help I have received. I don't go on and on and we all know I could, but I have found that my readers only take in "so much."

Check it out and feel free to leave comments. If you don't have a google account, sign in as anonymous, but I would like to see names and schools. This would show my classmates how many ppl are out there doing this!

Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 1:35 PM - Response #1

Thanks for sharing your fun blog with us! Brad and his family have helped us accomplish what seemed to be The Impossible!
May you and your class (and all the CC sites) enjoy connections and Reconnections for many years to come!
Thanks Brad and crew! You are still The Best! So many lives have been touched because you do what you do...It's been a beautiful experience to be a part of it! Thanks for all your help and professional expertise, among everything else!
Thanks again, Denise!

Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 1:47 PM - Response #2

Thank you! Feel free to comment on the blog. As you can imagine, I hit the high points, but certainly others have had experiences too that they could add to the thought! I am just one person. (I just happen to write a blog)

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