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Restricted Page blocks access to join???

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/13/14 07:33 PM Views: 924 Replies: 13
Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 7:33 PM

We have a new member who has been trying to register but can't. We've given her directions to go to the home page
and click on her name found on the Catherinian Profiles list. Each time she goes to the website it opens up to the Restricted Page - Join and she tries to enter her email/password - She can't access to register because she doesn't have an account yet.
Before the new system new members are able to join without any problem. I don't know what happened, but something did.
It's becoming a problem since we're looking at a reunion in October and they tell me they can't access the website, they are from classes 1987, 1988 and 1990, who aren't tech challenged. Please somebody take a look. Appreciate your help.

Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 7:58 PM - Response #1

When I go to your home page, it comes up as restricted, i.e. I can't see your home page without logging in.

Click on Edit Site Page > Home Page > Edit Page. Under the Logged In* column, see if you have checked the Logged In* box under Home Page Content. If it is checked, it will show the page only if the viewer is logged into the site. Uncheck this box. Then double check all your other pages to see if there is an inadvertent check next to any of them.

Many sites have the Logged In* column checked for custom pages, but very few have the Home Page and Classmate Profiles pages checked.

Edited 02/13/14 8:10 PM
Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 11:37 PM - Response #2

Another thing to verify is Edit Site Page > Home Page > Edit Link. Make sure "Restrict to Classmates only" is NOT checked.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 12:29 AM - Response #3

Thank you Scott and F.C. for showing me where the barriers might be. I have protected some but can't imagine all of the links. I guess this is what happens when you work on the website and watch JAG at the same time.
You guys are great! Thank you so much.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 12:49 AM - Response #4

FC or CC Admin ---

What happens when you check "Restrict to Classmates only?" I think this used to say, "Password Protected."

Is the result the same as checking the "Logged In*" box for a specific page, i.e. if you click on the link, it will say, "You have reached a restricted page of the xxxxxxx website?"

If so, it looks like we have two ways to require one to be logged in before one can see a page.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 1:10 AM - Response #5

Scott Moore wrote:

FC or CC Admin ---

What happens when you check "Restrict to Classmates only?" I think this used to say, "Password Protected."

Is the result the same as checking the "Logged In*" box for a specific page, i.e. if you click on the link, it will say, "You have reached a restricted page of the xxxxxxx website?"

If so, it looks like we have two ways to require one to be logged in before one can see a page.

Checking "Restrict to Classmates only" is what makes the home page unavailable unless you are logged on. I believe that you are correct in stating that "Password Protected" was the prior terminology.

My understanding is that the "Logged In*" features apply to various parts of the Home Page only but does not restrict access to the page in general. For example, for your site if you were to check the box for Home Page Content I think most of the information in the center pane would not be visible if you accessed the page and did not log on. I have to guess at how much might not be available because some of that center pane content you may actually have in announcements.

Therefore, I think there is only one way to restrict the entire page and get the message "You have reached a restricted page of the xxxxxxx website" and that is via the link to that page.

Edited 02/14/14 1:12 AM
Friday, February 14, 2014 at 10:33 AM - Response #6

Always thought that the home page has a dual setting. One that the public sees and what members see when they don't log in, usually begins mid page

The other one is viewable only by login members and these are the announcements with personal information, located at the top of the home page.

With the announcements, you get to check if this is for login only or viewable by everyone.

It seems there is an invisible line where the announcements for login only ends and where the home page content begins for everyone.

Hope this helps. Maybe you'll get a CC response too.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM - Response #7

Thelma... You are exactly correct. You can control the homepage content using the announcements and the display options provided.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 5:52 PM - Response #8

Interesting discussion and very timely! I spent a lot of time just today (thought I was having brain flatulence) explaining to a co-admin that the profiles and other pages were password protected . . . but then I couldn't figure out how I had accomplished it! I searched the forums (couldn't find the how-to videos that were recommended in posts) and was ready to submit an SOS . . . then finally realized the term was now referred to as Restricted rather than Password Protected and eventually found where the check boxes all were! Smile

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 9:46 PM - Response #9

Okay, to sum things up, I see that for every page, the way to password protect it, or make it available only to members who are logged in, is to click on "Restrict to Classmates Only" as described above.

For the home page, there are two options: (1) we can password protect the entire page by clicking on "Restrict to Classmates Only" or, if we don't want to password protect the entire page we can (2) password protect Announcements or Home Page Content in the Content Area, and individual modules in the Right Modules section by clicking on "Logged In*" next to the item of interest.

Edited 02/14/14 9:48 PM
Friday, February 14, 2014 at 9:50 PM - Response #10

That is correct

Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 3:44 AM - Response #11

I am throughly confused now. I cannot figure what has happened, but I thought that when new people come to the site, that if they click on the Join Here button that they would be taken to a page that shows a list of names of those who have not yet joined. They find their name, click and get taken to a page where they can register. NOW all I can get directed to is a Restricted page that requires a system password. I go to the Edit Site Pages link and select the Home page, and not knowing the result, clicked on the Remove System Password button. Now I don't know what I did as I can no longer undo that action. How do I reset a system password, and where else is the password used as I will need to update with the new password (if I am able at all to do that)? Our reunion is in June, so it is critical that I get this resolved, or get a work around ASAP.

Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 8:57 AM - Response #12


Your website is getting the Restricted page because your Classmate Profiles page is password protected, not because of a System Password. To remove the password protection from your Classmate Profiles page, go to Edit Site Pages, and EDIT LINK for the Classmate Profiles and remove the check from "Restrict to Classmates only ".

If you desire to use the System Password feature, I can restore it for you. Let me know

Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 12:12 PM - Response #13

You might want to consider restricting your Class Profiles list but unrestricting the Missing Classmates list. That way, search engines and passers-by will only see those who have not joined and not the entire list of class names.

But anyone clicking the Join button will automatically be taken to the missing list to find their name and start the process.

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