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Race Riots of 1961

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/31/10 04:00 PM Views: 1336 Replies: 1
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 4:00 PM

On our homepage under 1961 HISTORY/VIDEOS you have listed occurences for that year. One bulleted item says •Race Riots in Cities throughout the United States. One of our classmates emailed me:

"There were no race riots across the country in 1961. If there is a source for this, I'd like to see it. Please recheck the history of the year. If you like, I'd be glad to put some effort into finding a better riot."

Do you have a source? Thanks!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 4:29 PM - Response #1

That daily update on events on today's date is provided by a third party:

I don't see a reference about Race Riots on today's feed. (August 31).

You can turn off the history feed on by Editing your Home Page.

Today does mark the 13th Anniversary of the Death of Princess Diana in Paris.

Edited 08/31/10 4:32 PM
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