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Our school district serves several cities

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/31/10 07:40 AM Views: 1242 Replies: 3
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 7:40 AM

Our school district serves about eight cities.
Would it be possible to list our school under more than one city?
I ask this because we have found some folks have searched for out site under different cities name, and not the actual city the school resides in.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 9:44 AM - Response #1

Your school district may serve several cities, and one particular school may even serve multiple cities, however, we are basing the location of the school on its physical location. Classmates would typically understand that if they live in Woodbridge and their school was in Canton, that they would locate their school in Canton.

Nonetheless, I can circulate the idea to get others opinions. My thought is that if every school that operated like this wanted to show up under multiple cities, that our locate school pages would be awfully cluttered pretty quickly. Not to mention that there might be some confusion if classmates find their school under multiple cities and then begin to wonder if they found the right school.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 10:45 AM - Response #2

I can see that.
Thanks anyway.
BTW, have there ever been issues of a High School ever changing names over the years, and there being confusion there?
In our particular situation, the High Schhol started our as FREEPORT High School, and as the school district expanded, it was change to BRAZOSPORT, as it is now, a name which was given to the entire area of eight cities. THEN to further complicate things, a second High School was added in in 1970.
Thanks again for your trouble!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 11:15 AM - Response #3

I have heard of this. In these cases, although they are the same physical building, the schools are listed separately under the same city name, and would not have overlapping years of graduation.

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