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creating a link to take you back to the top of a page

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/11/15 03:01 PM Views: 1123 Replies: 9
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 3:01 PM

HI, I have asked this before, but never received an answer.

1. How to you embed a link down the middle of a long page or at the end, to take the reader back to the top of the page?

2. How do you, conversely, embed a link toward the top of a page to take the reader directly to something toward the bottom of a page?

I know how to embed, since this is the "Same" page we are dealing with, I don't know what to copy to put in the link.

Or is this something you have to do with HTML code in the Source view.

I'd appreciate some guidance please. Thanks.

Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 2:46 PM - Response #1

Nancee - Try just using your HOME/END key on your keyboard. Will that work for you?

Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 2:53 PM - Response #2

You need to create an "anchor" first and then create a link to the anchor. So first, put your cursor at the point on the page where you wish to link to and click on the flag symbol (last icon in the middle row of editor icons). In the dialog box, give the anchor a name. Then, create a link and in the link dialog box, choose the link type as "link to anchor in text" and select the anchor by name. Click OK and you're done.

Additional note. This works either way, to link from a point at the top of the page to a point further down the page, or vice versa. Of course, if you want to do both, it requires two anchors and two links.

Edited 02/12/15 3:57 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 2:57 PM - Response #3

I've had success using the "Anchor" functionality. When editing a page, use the "Flag" symbol (2nd row of editing icons, far right).

Position the [list]
- cursor where you want the "Anchor" to be ... i.e., the place you want to get to ...
- Click the "Anchor" symbol (the "flag") & give the Anchor a name (a little red flag will show up in the content where the cursor was when you created the "anchor" (above step).
- Then, go to the place on the page where you want to put the "GO TO" text ...
- Type the text (or select existing text) (I use ^top^ when further down the page)

- Set up the active (clickable) text by ...
- highlighting the text,
- click on the Hyperlink (2nd row, 3rd symbol from the right)
- Under "Link Type" select "Link to anchor in the text"
- "Select an Anchor" ... I use "By Anchor Name" ... click the down arrow next to the box and the list of anchors you created shows up ... select the one you want for this instance
- hit the "OK" button.

The above example relates to getting back to the top... however, I've also created an "Announcement" anchor (just 3 dots to hold the place), at the very bottom of the editable Home Page content ... that is used when we post Home Page content and want to refer people to the "Announcement" section for details/more info/etc.

Please feel free to contact me if you want to go over any of this.

Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 3:54 PM - Response #4
Push Elevator Button.jpg

Nancee, What I did was to find a picture of someone pushing an elevator button (attached below). Since I had a lot of announcements on my home page, I wanted to do the same thing. I Created an announcement (under Edit Home Page) to Go back to the top. In the announcement I inserted the photo and under it wrote (Push above to go back to the top). I then embedded the URL link for the top of the Home page into the photo. Voila. Now when one clicks on the Elevator button, they go back to the top of the page. You're welcome to look at my website so you can see it.
Good Luck. It saves me a lot of scrolling to get back to the top.

Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Response #5

Thanks for the detailed instructions, Anybody (me) could follow that.

What I've had trouble with is creating a link that takes you to an anchor point on another page ie a specific spot on another page (not just to the page).

Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7:42 PM - Response #6

Oh, My! I can't believe how very kind all of you were to answer my question! This is one thing that makes CC so special as we have so many Admins who really practice the Golden Rule!

With all this excellent advice, I should not have any problems doing this.

Thank you all for the early Valentine's gift! :0)

Blessings, Nancee

Friday, February 13, 2015 at 10:03 PM - Response #7

Ed Vaillancourt wrote:

Thanks for the detailed instructions, Anybody (me) could follow that.

What I've had trouble with is creating a link that takes you to an anchor point on another page ie a specific spot on another page (not just to the page).

To link to an anchor on another page, first create the anchor as discussed above. Let's say you name the anchor 'myanchor'. Then edit the page where you want to place the link and create the link to the target page as you normally would, but add '#myanchor' at the end of the link URL (don't include the quote marks)

Edited 02/13/15 10:05 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 1:50 PM - Response #8

While most browsers handle a link to an anchor on a page you're viewing, there have been some which don't handle the link to a new page's anchor. They will take you to the page, but not the anchor.

Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 6:24 PM - Response #9

Appreciate the help, Dick; and the heads up warning, John.

Some of our classmates have trouble just turning their computers on, so I'll keep it simple and make either result work.

Edited 02/15/15 6:30 PM
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