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User Forum and Password Protect Help Videos Now Available

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 08/30/10 08:26 PM Views: 1724 Replies: 12
Monday, August 30, 2010 at 8:26 PM

Two new Help Videos have been added:

* How to password protect pages on your site
* How to set up your User Forums

Both videos can be seen by clicking the Help Videos link above. You'll also find new Help Video icons on your Edit Site Pages page and your main User Forum list. Note that only authorized Administrators see the Help Video icon on the User Forums, never Classmates.

Edited 08/30/10 8:26 PM
Monday, August 30, 2010 at 8:49 PM - Response #1

Brad Switzer wrote:

Two new Help Videos have been added:

* How to password protect pages on your site
* How to set up your User Forums

Just a little typo Brad.

Your second line reads: "How To User Forums To Your Site"

Edited 08/30/10 8:56 PM
Monday, August 30, 2010 at 8:54 PM - Response #2

Also on the first "how to" video, (should you ever decide to redo it) I think it might be wise to add the "CONTACT US" page as one that "should not be password protected". I'm wondering why you have it so anyone has that option in the first place. It would seem to me that if a person ever password protects the HOME, PROFILES, or CONTACT US pages, they don't plan on having any activity for which they have created a site in the first place.Embarassed

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 9:13 PM - Response #3

Ok, Guys,

I know this video for the User Forum is a great feature, but I must be missing something as I can't get it to work:

I've accessed from each of the suggested avenues, at various times today. Either it just spins & never loads; it does finally load, but won't play; if it plays, it stops after 9 seconds each time; when it goes past the 9 seconds and I try to adjust the sound, it stops and won't start; and never have I been able to distinguish what is being said - altho the volume is at 100%, it is very faint & my pc sound control is up and running.

I know I am going to be embarrassed by what I am not 'getting' here, but I would welcome any suggestions, please.

Thanking you in advance - Blessings, N

Edited 08/31/10 9:16 PM
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 10:43 PM - Response #4

Nancee S. Lougheed wrote:

Ok, Guys,

I know this video for the User Forum is a great feature, but I must be missing something as I can't get it to work:

I've accessed from each of the suggested avenues, at various times today. Either it just spins & never loads; it does finally load, but won't play; if it plays, it stops after 9 seconds each time; when it goes past the 9 seconds and I try to adjust the sound, it stops and won't start; and never have I been able to distinguish what is being said - altho the volume is at 100%, it is very faint & my pc sound control is up and running.

I know I am going to be embarrassed by what I am not 'getting' here, but I would welcome any suggestions, please.

Thanking you in advance - Blessings, N


No intentions of embarrassing you. I presume you are trying view one of the five video's under the HELP VIDEO's? From what you are describing it sounds a lot like you may have a "CACHE" problem. Do you know how to clear your Cache? If you need assistance, you are welcome to send me a private message and tell me what OS (WIN XP HOME or PRO, VISTA, WIN7) you are using on your computer and BROWSER (IE 7, IE 8, Firefox).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 1:52 AM - Response #5

I agree, try clearing cache, rebooting, and if necessary updating to the latest Flash from

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 1:58 AM - Response #6

Question about privacy on User Forum
I know that some pages are only viewable if you log on, but our User Forum (renamed Viking Chatter Forum) is viewable to the public.
If I password protect it, will my classmates be able to see it if they are logged in?

Sorry - I know I've about reached my limit of silly questions!!Embarassed

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM - Response #7

Password Protection means that nobody can see the forums unless they are logged in.

To password protect the page, go to Edit Site Pages, then check the "Password" column for your Help Forums (Viking Chatter) page.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 9:50 AM - Response #8

Thanks - The note about the system password confused me.


What is the difference between a "System Password" and a "Classmate Password"?

Answer: Here's an explanation:

System Password: Your system password is set under your Edit Site Pages area (log into your web site, then click on your "Edit Site Pages" link). Once you have set a system password, it can be applied to any or all pages of your choice by clicking the various password checkboxes next to your site pages. When you password protect a page, this stops the public (non Classmates) from accessing the page, and also blocks out search engines from indexing or linking to the page. Your system password should be used to protect sensitive or confidential pages of your web site.

Classmate Password: Your Classmates set their own password at the time of joining your web site. This password is used to regain access to the site in the future. If a Classmate has joined your web site and thus has his or her own personal password, the Classmate can now access all pages of your web site including any pages to which you've applied a system password.

SO: to recap:
If I password protect a page, an existing classmate can see it when they are logged in, but someone who is not logged in cannot. The classmate does not need to know the system password to use the page. Future classmates will be able to see the page upon logging in and will not need to know the system password either. Correct?


Allow viewers with the System Password to access all restricted Classmate Profiles.

And do I check this box? I'm still confused about classmates "needing to know the system password"

Edited 06/19/12 10:02 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 10:11 AM - Response #9

The SYSTEM PASSWORD is for people you don't want to actually sign up for your website (for example, fellow admins of these Help Forums). If you give out your System Password, those users can then view your password protected pages, but other people who don't know the System Password won't be able to see it (except Classmates who have signed up for your website).

Future Classmates (who haven't signed up yet, so they don't have a password yet) will not be able to see the password protected pages unless they know the System Password.

If you want those who know the System Password to also be able to see those Classmate Profiles which are locked, then you check that check-mark.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 10:18 AM - Response #10

Ok - that I understand.

I don't NEED to give anyone the system password, and those that belong here don't need it either, their own password will get them access.

Thanks, Kyle!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 10:29 AM - Response #11

That is right, you don't NEED to give anyone the System Password.

Some websites have their Classmate Profiles page being Password Protected. Then when the screen comes up, they need to request the System Password from the admin in order to sign up. Or the admin e-mails out the System Password to all known alumni so that they can then sign up to the website. But as you said, it is not needed.

Friday, June 29, 2012 at 9:35 AM - Response #12

Judy L. Haccou wrote:

Ok - that I understand.

I don't NEED to give anyone the system password, and those that belong here don't need it either, their own password will get them access.

Thanks, Kyle!

Hi Judy,

You have it right. Password protecting a page allows ONLY classmates who have passwords to view the pages.

A classmate does not need the system password.

In your statement above, I believe there may be a misunderstanding of what other admins (those of us who share here) can view on other sites. We see only what you have open to someone WITHOUT a password. Passwords for our sites or this forum will not allow us to view another site's password protected pages.

Kyle's statement in a reply above is what you should remember:
"The SYSTEM PASSWORD is for people you don't want to actually sign up for your website (for example, fellow admins of these Help Forums)."

Add to that: Someone with a System Password will NOT be able to view Classmate Profiles. This is very important to the privacy of your classmates.

One last thing... there are no silly questions, Judy. If so, I might hold the record! Wink

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