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Administrator privileges for Notify Me?

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 08/31/20 06:30 PM Views: 5200 Replies: 13
Monday, August 31, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Is there any way for administrators to edit a specific classmate's "Notify Me" preferences?

It appears this option is only available to the individual classmate but I'd like confirmation. I've had some classmates ask me to make changes for them.

What are the default Notify Me preference settings?


Edited 08/31/20 6:49 PM
Monday, August 31, 2020 at 9:21 PM - Response #1

I'm quite certain only a classmate can edit his/her Notify Me preferences, by clicking on Notify Me under Member Functions.

Can't help you with the default Notify Me preference settings, as I've adjusted mine from their default settings and don't remember the default settings.

You could create a test member called John Doe or Jane Doe and see what the default settings are.

Edited 09/01/20 2:55 AM
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 11:05 AM - Response #2

Scott is correct. The classmate needs to log in and go to notify me under their member functions. You could provide them with further instructions on how to do so, but they need to do it.

Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 12:21 AM - Response #3
2020 08 21 Notify Me.jpg

Hi Scott M! I believe we discussed this long ago. It is a tough one.

I've had members ask to be deleted from sites due to all the notifications they receive via email. I have asked them to make changes to their Notify Me and received the 'delete me' again. I thought of hiding them from the class list yet that does not stop the emails. Deleting a member of a class or school alumni site is hard for me to do over emails.

I know it is not easy getting members to update Notify Me. It may be the most difficult thing I've tried. Recently, I added a couple of screenshots when asking them to do this. The first is where to find their Notify Me and then the actual page, which I share here. The gold star is the one item I ask them to mark "Immediately".

Edited 09/06/20 12:23 AM
Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 2:49 AM - Response #4

Gwen, As a last resort, for those who wish to have their profile deleted, have you contacted them by phone? If they'd be willing to have their computer on when you called them, you could walk them through the Notify Me settings and they could make their choices of Immediate, Once Daily, or Never on the first twelve lines, and Immediate or Never on "An administrator sends an email to all Classmates."

If they still wanted to be deleted, you could then feel you'd done everything in your power to keep them registered.

Edited 09/06/20 3:17 AM
Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 11:37 AM - Response #5

We are able to override for individuals so you won't have to remove them if you send us a first initial and last name of the individual as well as the site name if you have multiple sites. If you send us a contact form you can list their email just don't list their email in the forums please.

If you have us override we need to know if there are any emails they still want to receive or if they want no emails.

Class Creator Support

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 2:00 PM - Response #6

If the classmate doesn't want to [or learn how to] change their Notify Me preferences, and they want the admin to make the changes for them, [with their permission] you can change their password, go in and make said changes, and then tell them what the new password is, and INSIST that they change it back to their previous PW.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 3:12 PM - Response #7

another nice alternative idea Steve. I bet they will log in and tell you they can't - lol

Edited 04/27/21 3:12 PM
Friday, July 30, 2021 at 9:22 AM - Response #8

I've had a Platinum site for over ten years now and have never complained but today is the day! The bottom line here is there are some times when the administrator needs some control over the classmates' Notify Me settings. I finally acquired Junior High School yearbooks from the four schools that fed into our high school. I set up a gallery for 7th grade Yearbook photos and patiently scanned the classmates' portraits from each school. As I finished a school I would download the portraits to the gallery and save it. When you're working with four schools with about 40 students each, the last thing you want to do is wait and download the photos from all four at the same time. I'd rather merge forty at a time into the ones already in alphabetical order than try to alphabetize forty all at once. Notify me sent out two notifications to every subscribed classmate and a third one to some before I caught on to what was going on. All notifications said'Pictures have been added to a photo gallery' and showed the same picture on the notification because all my changes were to the same gallery. It didn't take too many angry calls and texts before I figured out what was going on.

We need to be able to toggle 'Notify Me' on and off just like we can select whether a notification is sent to the entire class when we update a page.

Edited 07/30/21 9:22 AM
Friday, July 30, 2021 at 12:16 PM - Response #9

This has been a concern ever since I can remember, and while it's not a major concern for members who've selected "Once Daily", it's annoying for anyone who chose "Immediate". The request to add the option to control notify emails while adding photos to a gallery is probably still on the mythical 'wish list' but was never addressed.

In the mean time you can minimize the annoyance by unchecking the "Active" box for the gallery you're updating, doing all your adds and editing, and then making it active again when you're done. The last I checked, that will limit the notify emails to only one.

Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 2:28 AM - Response #10

I agree with Larry Furr in Response #8 above - Administrators need the ability to override a classmates' Notify Me choices just like we can select whether a notification is sent to the entire class when we update a page.

My situation is the reverse of Larry's though. We don't have too many notifications. We have selections of NEVER when it doesn't make sense (I just audited all my NEVER answers). There is only one person who doesn't want to hear from us, ever (I'm going to talk to her and maybe fix this). The other NEVERs are inconsistent and tell me that the members don't really know what they're answering and use NEVER as their default. This defeats the purpose of the website - communication!

I daresay that I could change NEVER settings to Once Daily on 11 of the 18 choices, the classmate would not know the difference, and would receive better communication from his class and classmates. I would like to be able to do that. I believe the Administrators are smart enough to discern how to use this tool to make their website communications more effective while not being too intrusive. I understand that there are some things that a member MUST do. I also understand that most of my classmates don't want to know how to publish the paper, they just want to be able to read it. I'd like the ability to help them do that.

Would Classcreator consider making this change? I sure would appreciate it.

Edited 11/26/22 2:38 AM
Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 2:56 AM - Response #11

Just a further note: I tried to wish a classmate Happy Birthday and her profile did not allow it. After some research I discovered that her Profile (J Hughs) did not allow classmates to enter comments. As Admin I was able to change that, and was then able to post birthday greetings, as were other classmates.

It's kinda sad as for 10+ years her birthday was noted and no one wished her Happy Birthday (although she's a class treasure). I'm now going to audit each profile (less than 200) to make sure this isn't an issue elsewhere. Our members sign up initially and typically never look at their profile choices/selections again. And they don't usually understand the impact of the choices they make.

If the Notify Me fields could be as easily "fixed" by the Admin as the Profile fields can be, it would be a real blessing.

Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 10:52 AM - Response #12

As a system that allows admins to mail classmates and classmates to mail each other we are required to allow opt out options to individuals that can not be overwritten. It is considered spam email if you send a message that someone has opted out of.

If our system sends a message after a classmate has opted out and they report it as spam email or worse if they report it as something they Intentionally opted out of that we continued to send or randomly started resending without their permission it can have a very negative impact on our email reputation and affect the deliverabity of all emails.

There are options we have discussed that I can summarise here:

1. You can contact the classmate outside the system either by emailing them directly from your private email and ask them if they intended to have the item or items set to never and give them the opportunity to clarify why they made that decision or possibly explain that they didn't mean to make that decision.

Your initial email can include details about where to find their Member Functions > Notify Me settings, how to change them and what they are missing by having them off.

If they choose to keep them off then we are required to respect that decision and not spam them with unwanted emails. This doesn't restrict their ability to login and participate or even receive messages as any messages they receive are in their Member Functions > Message Center

If they do choose to change it your emsil gives them instructions for how to do so and the do it yourself option is the preferred method of changes since they would have made those changes themselves initially.

2. If they respond that they did not intend to turn off one or more of the options and would like them turned back on, however, they are unable to make the changes themselves then you can forward that information to us or they can email us directly at and we can override one or more settings for them.

This method is not preferred, however, it is possible in unique situations where a classmate needs that level of assistance.
We need their request on file so we can respond to reports of spam should they label the new messages they are receiving from the system after that change. It allows us to document why we made the change for them.

For similar reasons I do not recommend that admins change profile comment settings without asking permission from the classmate. If a classmate has selected the privacy option to not allow comments on their personal profile page they might we quite surprised or confused to suddenly have comments on. They typically have a reason they have chosen to turn this feature off. We recommend always asking them if they intended to make that change, instruct them how to change it and ask if they would like assistance changing it.

Class Creator Support

Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 3:13 PM - Response #13

Thanks Jessica for the detailed explanation. 100% spot on. I've never tried to modify any classmate choice and surprised that the comments one can be changed Rolling Eyes

The only side-effect from the profile "no comment" setting is that THEY can comment but no one else can respond to them. There was some discussion about that a few times.

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