Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 11:49 AM
Brad, As we are about to come to a New Year I just want to say how great this site has been. I have really liked that your company is personal and responds to each request as well as you have. I also like that fact that you are working on a lot of improvements for us all. I hope that this site will continue for many years to come. About the only idea I have for improvements -right now, becuase you know I will come up with a few for In Memory- is some kind a connection with Facebook. I do not have anything specific in mind it is just that we have many -I am about to count- Alumn on there that are not moving over to our site. I do know that there are some things we need to do to help but I am just talking on the whole. As for other sites like this I hope they all go away. Specifically,! I do not like the way they do business nor a few others out there that work on deception to get people to spend their money. OK I am going off on a bit of a rant and that is not my purpose today. Today, I want to say "Thanks You" for a wonderful site and keep up the good work! -we are counting on you!