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1982 History/Videos

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/02/11 09:28 PM Views: 1420 Replies: 7
Friday, September 2, 2011 at 9:28 PM

Some of the videos are no longer working. Can someone with Class Creator fix this? I'm getting alot of complaints!

Saturday, September 3, 2011 at 10:59 AM - Response #1

Susan Surber wrote:

Some of the videos are no longer working. Can someone with Class Creator fix this? I'm getting alot of complaints!

This content is provided by a third party, not by Class Creator. The third party is sourcing videos from YouTube. Those who post to YouTube may be changing the ways in which they allow their videos to be used. For example, they may restrict others from embedding videos, which is what this third party is doing to present them to your site.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 1:30 PM - Response #2

I have the same issue. We should be able to edit this page to delete or add videos etc as necessary. I understand the reasons why they are not working, but more interested in what can be done about it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 2:27 PM - Response #3

Assuming you are referring to the full page "History/Video" page and not the narrow one with the monthly history that can appear on the home page, it's not too difficult to edit this page.

1. Open the page and select and copy the entire contents.

2. Using Survey Maker, create a new survey named "History - 19XX" and paste the contents into the edit window. Save the page.

3. Go back to the history page (in a new tab) and right click on each video in order and select "Copy Embed HTML".

4. Return to the Survey Maker. Click on SOURCE and locate the names of the videos. Make room above the title of the video and paste the Embed HTML. Adjust the size of the video (Which defaults to 640x390) Try 320x195 for example. Repeat for each video.

5. Click on SOURCE again to see the complete page. Edit it by removing or adding content as you wish. Save the results. When you make the Survey Maker page Active it will create a link in the link stack.

This is only practical because the History page as provided by is static for each year. Vs. the monthly content that is posted in the right-hand column of home pages.

Here's an example of the results -- in this case, I used Gallery Creator because I didn't want a link to be created: Edited Custom History Page

Edited 09/14/11 5:50 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 3:59 PM - Response #4

John, I can't see your History page example since it's PW protected. So I'm guessing that if it duplicates exactly you did something like the following:

Select the content of the stock History page, then Copy and Paste into a CC page as described (as you staed). Then the next step is to add the style and manually insert this in source mode (at the top) to get all the videos to snap to the right as they were originally
IOW, one can literally copy the page and not have to find the videos as a separate step with all the display sizes intact. Then one can manually replace/edit videos in source mode as desired.

This should replicate the original page exactly - but I only tested locally.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 5:13 PM - Response #5

Worked great, thanks for the tip John.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 5:52 PM - Response #6

i fixed the link above Try this link

Edited 09/14/11 5:54 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 6:12 PM - Response #7

I see. If you put the style in there it will replicate exactly. That's what Justin did. Looks a bit cleaner without the space to the right of vids.

FWIW You can also customize the "daily" on a different page using iframe. Content can't be changed, but where and how it displays can be. I only played with it since there are too many typo mistakes (as well as factual mistakes) from that site. One of our admins is a history teacher and that stuff drove him nuts. And then meCool

Thanks for letting us see another method

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