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Embedding TikTok video

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/19/20 12:19 PM Views: 1666 Replies: 6
Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 12:19 PM

Hello --
Anyone have a good method with HTML code to embed a TikTok video ?

I have it currently as a link, but an embedded video would be better.

And if you want a laugh: click here for the video

An original song about the effects of Shelter-in-Place self-quarantine on a music teacher.
Only 28 seconds long, and, yes, it is funny. But you must watch it to the ending!

Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 1:47 PM - Response #1

Well you can make an iframe and put this code there. Vary height/width to whater you want. you can also center if smaller.

Friday, April 24, 2020 at 1:03 PM - Response #2

Thank you, Jack !

When I use this code:

I get: refused to connect.

Any clues?
What is the "src="" in your code... is that something I need?

My knowledge of HTML is limited -- I can copy things, fudge a bit, look up and test examples on, that sort of thing... but I am not a coder.
Thank you.

Edited 04/24/20 1:22 PM
Friday, April 24, 2020 at 2:07 PM - Response #3

The code posted is for the video you linked to. Copy and paste the exact code I posted. You can change the width and height to what you want.

TikTok page has code to deny being embedded in an iframe. I just bypassed that by doing directly to the video. Don't tell them Twisted Evil

( I looked at the actual html behind the video to get that code. Browsers have debug code. Press F12 to see the options. )

Edited 04/24/20 2:09 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 12:22 PM - Response #4

Hi, Jack --
Thanks for your help, and I apologize that I wasn't clear. In addition to what I wrote above, I did first try cutting-and-pasting your exact code. The result is a frame that *looks* like it would work, but trying to click on the play button yields nothing.

This is not a big deal -- I just put in a link to the TicToc video that opens a new browser window, and that is fine.

It's good to have you here on the Forum !

On a different HTML javascript matter, here is the code that I use for a countdown on my homepage.
It results in this:
Now just 5 months, 16 days, 8 hours, and 10 minutes away.

I do not know javascript, but just kind of klutz my way through.
I like this format of countdown (in text, not a flashy graphic).
If you think that this is something that could be given to the Forum group, please feel free to clean it up, modify it as you like, and post it.

Thanks again --
-- Fred

Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 1:38 PM - Response #5

This is SAMPLE PAGE with your video and the play button works using Chrome. [Does not work for other browsers]

So it looks like this is one of those unusual instances where one browser works and the others do not? Although I think you are using Chrome Shocked Let me know if that page works for you since sometimes the CC editor tends to make changes when you save. More an interest question since it doesn't work for the other browsers.

EDIT: and it stopped working for Chrome too. So tikky added more blocks.

Edited 04/03/22 6:53 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 1:59 PM - Response #6

The basic countdown here is fairly clean. This is the link for COUNTDOWN plain version (color, text can be changed).

I think CC has some predefined reunion keyword that does the text only thing. I can't find the list right now. Maybe someone remembers. I saw this posted but can't get it to work.

Our event begins in $yyyy-mm-dd$ days.

Edited 04/26/20 1:59 PM
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