Monday, August 11, 2014 at 2:38 PM

Does anyone have any suggestions to allow streaming of live reunion activities to our web page?

Vern Good
08/11/14 10:24 AM

We are having our 55th high school reunion next month. Some of our classmates are either incapacitated or unable to attend the reunion and are out of town. Is there a way to Skype or Google+ the proceedings to the web site so the above described classmates can enjoy the reunion? vern

Scott Mastenbrook
08/11/14 2:20 PM

That would be a great topic in the Help Forums to see if others have done this. If you have a good internet connection at the event, you certainly could set up a Skype or Google+ station. I'm certain this has been done before. You would not be streaming it through the site though. However, I have seen that done before was well... setting up a webcam at the event and then using the 3rd party code for the webcam stream to place that on the site. That is not as interactive as the Skype station though. I'd bring it up with other admins to see what they have done.


Scott Mastenbrook
Class Creator
