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Email challenges

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/15/09 04:25 PM Views: 1278 Replies: 2
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:25 PM

I am the root administrator of our website. I want to separate my private business as a classmate from my administrator role. Each time a classmate signs up, changes their address etc I get an email. Can I get this to send to an email account that I set up for this purpose such as the email I set up to revieve the responses from the preferences area. Somebody, please help me. thanks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM - Response #1

I believe you can go to your and put in your domain name then change where the emails route to. From my understanding with your account, you have up to 100 different emails to route to such as,,etc. Hope this helps.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 8:33 PM - Response #2

The email address in the Preferences are is a from address, but yes, you're correct that if an email goes out from your site using your from address, and the Classmate then clicks respond, you're going to get the response back at a different box if that's how you've set it up.

In terms of having a separate email for Classmate stuff and Admin stuff, no, there is only one email address used on your site (your Primary Email address), and that email address is also used as your login address. We are going to put in something called "Admin Rights" after the release of several upcoming features, which will enable you to control emails and which Admins receive them.

There is one other thing you could do right now: Add a new member to your site -- an Administrator account. Change the Root Admin in your Preferences area to be this new account, and in that account use your Admin email address. And then in your regular Classmate account use a different email address of your choice. You'd have to actually separate the accounts themselves like this in order to split up where emails are sent.

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