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To Protect, or Not To Protect, that is the Question.
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 6:26 PM
Hi Everyone, I know this is not new, in fact my Search showed so much, I didn't know where to ask this. Obviously, there are Pros & Cons, lead by Professor Wizard's admonition of dire consequences if we 'PP' our Classmate Profile page ~ and I agree with that reasoning. But we have tons of "lurkers" (I think someone called them), with few registrations in comparison. We have a class of over 600; we'll have over 100 hits/views a day, with maybe one Registering. People even admit to doing this. So there is some value in the enticement of PP. I guess the whole point I'm making is: DOES PP INCREASE OR MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO REGISTER? IF SO, HOW DO YOU DO THAT - WHICH PGS DO YOU PP? Or, Maybe, I should be asking: HOW DO YOU MOTIVATTE THOSE ARE NOT REGISTERED, BUT WHO ARE CONSTANTLY CHECKING OUT THE SITE, TO BE MOTIVATED TO REGISTER? Or maybe I'm really confused: Question: Let's say: I'm not a member yet, haven't registered. But I can get on the Home page and can get to the Class Profile page. I see an old classmate has registered and filled out a profile ( that clsmt has NOT PP that Profile), so I click the name to read the Profile .......... it IS VISABLE TO ME IS IT NOT? If so, Why Bother Registering??? Now if somehow, I could NOT see the Profiles (b/c they were PP), but I Knew they were there, then I'd be motivated to Register. If this is how it works, Do you PP or NOT??? How about a poll-like request: PRO/CON?~~YEA/NAY? I'd like to see if we can get a 51% tally one way or the other. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, N
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 8:18 PM - Response #1
I've PP two things...profiles and our forum. I can check who has been online with the statistics. It scares me to PP anymore because I don't want to make it too complicated.
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 8:58 PM - Response #2
Hi Karen ~~ Thanks for your response. I don't mean to be so dense, but by 'forum', do you mean the "message forum"? And by "profiles", do you mean the "classmate profile page" (you may have labeled it differently), as opposed to clmtes individual profiles? If the latter is true, isn't this the page that The Bradster tells us not to PP or no one will find us. I think one of the reason's this is confusing to me, is that we all use similar, but different terminology, maybe. But, I'm with you on the intimidation part. Again, I really appreciate your reply ~ Thanks! N
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 9:44 PM - Response #3
Hi Nancee! I PP my Message Forum page as a result of dismissing the one classmate. I just, temporarily, PP my home page because I put something on there that was sensitive and didn't want others who were not logged on seeing it. I think it is each admin's choice what they want to PP. Nice to see you here again. Tam
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:29 PM - Response #4
Thanks Tam! Boy, do you have a good Memory ~ I'm impressed! It was nice of you to comment. I'm thinking that maybe I wasn't saying clearly what I wanted to so I have EDITED MY ORIGINAL POST. Maybe that's more to the point of what I'm trying to get at $ maybe I don't really "get it" to begin with, as you'll see by the edited post. Thanks again, Tam!
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:43 PM - Response #5
I agree with you about people not registering if they can get to certain pages anyway. I thought that by PP the Message Forum page, anyone who was nosy about what was going on would have to register to see what the fuss was all about. I, actually, had one person who joined as a result of the email I sent to the class regarding my "unruly member". I am aware that some classmates opted to have their information accessible to everyone. They have that option but outsiders are still prohibited from accessing others' profiles that are open to logged-on personnel only. I've tested this out several times. Your site is looking good! Tam
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 12:33 AM - Response #6
I only have a handful of pages that are NOT PP...FAQ, Classmates, Teachers, History, and one other. Everything else is password protected. If all of your information is accessible, there really is no incentive for a lurker to update their profile. You have to leave them wanting more. If a person really wants to know what's going on, they will join.
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 1:03 AM - Response #7
Thanks Tam & "DSG", Tam, I do think I'll PP my Message Forum. Dawn, I agree with your comments that's why I started questioning this. But Ladies, Take a minute please, and go back to my original question as to the visibility of Profile given that scenario ~~ THAT IS WHAT I'M HUNG UP ON, as I'm not sure of the answer. But, bless your hearts, for hanging in there with me - I REALLY appreciate it!! Truly! HEY ~ you know what? WE ARE GETTING CLOSER TO THE ZERO HOUR, RIGHT PROFESSOR WIZARD? WE ARE PRAYING THAT ALL GOES WELL, BRADSTER~ GOOD LUCK FROM ALL OF US!
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 3:23 AM - Response #8
My whole purpose for having the website is to get them to register and get (and keep) their email addresses updated so we can find them at reunion time. Everything else is the circus to get them in the tent! I tease them with lots of announcements at top of the home page, as well as in group emails (I plan to do postcards to those for whom we don't have emails), telling them how great the profiles are and about the great memories and wacky banter on our Message Board (which actually has far exceeded my expectations because a few very funny people got it going). I can't think of any reason why I would want to allow lurkers.
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 11:29 AM - Response #9
I agree with Dawn. I started out allowing all pages be viewed and had lurkers. Now I have teases on my homepage and if they want to see reunion pictures, memory pictures, In Memory, chat, etc, they have to be registered and logged in. I do keep the "History" page open for anyone as that's not something I created. Classmate profile is left open do make it easier for someone to join. (I wouldn't want to join if I had to jump thru hoops and over barrels). I don't see that the PP is an issue. The page that pops up appears to be easy to figure out. It gives members the choice to log in (which they have to on the homepage anyway) and non-members a chance to send you an email. Our class was under 200, small by comparison, but the ones interested (and usually attend reunions) are signed up, there are some that are not internet savvy (which keeps them away, even if they have a pc); and of course those that do not wish to continue involvement or are too busy. I just hope improvements do not keep the less savvy away (ie by making it more confusing for the oldsters)
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 5:30 PM - Response #10
Hi, and Thanks again for all the feedback! Mike, I agree; that is part of our purpose too, even more so, as our class has never had an accurate, official data base, so establishing one is part of what we're after. [BTW, great coined phrase, especially with a Tiger mascot!] And, Sandi, thanks to your comments, it occurred to me that part of why I am hung up on this, and something I failed to mention, is that OUR INDIVIDUAL PROFILES ARE WHERE ALL THE "GOOD STUFF" IS. When we did the Profile Generator, we fashioned 30 some intriguing questions that will also form the basis for our Memory Book. Those who Have registered are really getting into the questions, so that is what all the Lurkers are reading. That is why this PP the Main Class Profile page, or not, is a deal b/c that is the portal through which the Lurkers enter the Individual Profiles to get to the 'good stuff'. We know it's a trade off, but in our situation we need to come up with a 'educated guess' as to the value of PP the Main Class Profile Page. We also know, the only way to "know" is to try it, but we wanted some feedback first. All of you have been terrific to share your thoughts and experiences! Much appreciated, N
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 8:12 PM - Response #11
[quote="Mike Thurman"](I plan to do postcards to those for whom we don't have emails) Check out It's a great place to create a postcard. We created a postcard with our class photo on it as an announcement of our new reunion site to entice people to check it out. They have a sale going on until March 6th I believe. 250 postcards are only around $20.
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Friday, March 6, 2009 at 11:21 AM - Response #12
Now I really feel dense......(but thank you all for posting info) I thought "You must also enter a system password below, then press "Update Password". Anybody with your system password will be able to access all password protected areas of your site,,,," meant that they had the same rights as admin. Do I understand correctly then, that if you password(check) a given item/page and enter the "system password" and then "update password" that is ONLY a password that allows member classmates to view those specifically password protected areas? Thank you,
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Friday, March 6, 2009 at 11:36 AM - Response #13
Classmates who have already created a profile DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THE SYSTEM PASSWORD - they already have access to all of the password protected pages. Classmates (and everyone else viewing your website) who haven't logged in yet will need to know the SYSTEM PASSWORD in order to view any pages that have the "PASSWORD PROTECTED" check-box. Classmates (and everyone else viewing your website) can view any page that is not password protected. They don't need to know the SYSTEM PASSWORD if the pages are not password protected. The SYSTEM PASSWORD has nothing to do with giving ADMIN rights. It is only for non-logged in people to view the Password Protected pages.
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Friday, March 6, 2009 at 12:48 PM - Response #14
So, after "verifying", I'd still want to send a "new" registrant the system password? It would be nice if the welcoming email would wait until after being veryified so that the system password could be included.
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Friday, March 6, 2009 at 2:46 PM - Response #15
Or, is it automatic..............dah !! []
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