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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/22/15 11:12 PM Views: 788 Replies: 1
Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 11:12 PM

I have a question. Our reunion was a month and a half ago, a great success, with everyone totally over the moon about our class website. It was nice taking credit for all the work you guys have done making it so easy for people to set up beautiful, functional sites.

We administered all of our reunion tickets - both on and offline -- from our class creator website and it went more smoothly than anyone has any right to expect, really, with 3-400 people attending 5 different events.

Enough kudos -- I have a question on a totally different topic. Recently we have suddenly been getting a whole bunch of new signups - 15 in the last couple of days -- and people for whom we have an email addy in our CC database have been getting daily updates - even if they have not yet signed up at the website.

Did you guys change the way the site handles daily messages so that they go to everyone with an email addy whether or not they have signed up?

If so, I think it is a great idea, and like I said, a whole bunch of people have signed up, so I hope you don't change it (they can always sign in and stop all notifications if the notices bother them). But for my sanity I just want to know if something changed.

Friday, October 23, 2015 at 12:12 PM - Response #1

Well.... That's interesting! Checking the list for an Email The Class, I don't find any listed as Not Joined, and a quick check appears that I can again send to several people who have an email addy entered but haven't joined yet.

I suspect that's an unexpected result from some other unrelated change since it violates the current 'opt-in' and 'no spam' policies, but... as it used to be before the anti-spam policy killed that helpful option, it sure did let us remind people who hadn't joined that we're here - and will hopefully trigger some of those folks who've held off joining to come see how our site has changed over the years.

As you saw from the jump in new members, it was a great feature before it was removed.

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