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emailed to "missing classmates"

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/01/11 09:48 AM Views: 1404 Replies: 7
Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 9:48 AM

I used the function on the homepage to email classmates to invite them to join our website. Where can I find a list of those emails that have been sent this way? I need those email addresses.

Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 9:51 AM - Response #1

You can get a list of e-mail addresses by doing the EXPORT CLASSLIST function. This can be found on the Manage Classmates/ Export Classlist page.

Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 10:09 AM - Response #2

Thanks for the reply, but I think you misunderstood. These people have not yet registered on our website or had their contact info updated. On the homepage, lower right corner there's a place to put in an email address. Then the website sends them an official invitation. It reads as follows:


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Enter it below and an invite to our site will automatically be sent.


Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 12:14 PM - Response #3

Frank - those emails are NOT saved.

There was another discussion on this here in the Help Forums and CC's position is that another class member who shares the email address of a third person wasn't giving us permission to use/save that email. It sends an invitation that the recipient would need to act upon.

Also they are just email addresses; no name is attached to them.

Edited 05/01/11 12:35 PM
Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 12:34 PM - Response #4

Thanks. I was afraid of that.

I've been doing some research to find classmates, entered a few emails there, then didn't properly save the spreadsheet with my updates! (trying to find it in temp files)

Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 12:39 PM - Response #5

John Chidester wrote:

.. CC's position is that another class member who shares the email address of a third person wasn't giving us permission to use/save that email.

Why not change the wording that says something like "you give us permission to use the email address entered for class contact followup" or something similar. Then we get "permission".

Silly me - actually assumed that the email address entered was forwarded to admins. There's nothing that indicates otherwise.

Either way, the use of the email address needs to be clarified.

Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 1:36 PM - Response #6

I think that there is still an issue of privacy with your idea, in that the 'unregistered classmate' whose address is placed in that box by anyone, should have to give permission.
I would not want to grant permission for someone to have anothers email address - that is up to the owner of the email account.
Hope that made some sense.
On finding classmates, as has been discussed in other forum threads, a Google search and the different social networking sites often work well.
One source I have used is, a PAY site, but it has been worth it, and you being from Ohio, they do have the drivers license and voter registration records of folks from Ohio. I have located more 'missing' female classmates there because, here in Texas, when a female registers to vote, she is supposed to enter her maiden name. I can't say how Ohio does their registration though. Feel free to email me and I will do a test for you if you like.
Finally, keep in mind that there is a slight possibility that some classmates simply do not want to be found so they don't reply. Their choice.
You can lead a horse to water . . . . etc.

Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 2:53 PM - Response #7

I had not considered the other party. Seems this is more a question of what the other person "thinks" of this vs a legal privacy issue. IOW, don't think any permission is required, but read on.

If carried to the end, then anyone sending information about a person (e.g. mailing address) would be violating the exact same "privacy". To carry that to the next step - what if they emailed the address to you? Is that person on the hook? If not, why can't the act of using the form (with the disclaimer just to be upfront) be a good way to gather this information?

Or to use the other examples listed of how information is found: I think we agree those are all legal methods (do not violate any privacy law as such) and those methods did not get permission either. Privacy laws tend to revolve around legal "relationships". Where one lives (address), phone number, email address, voter registration, etc don't think are covered. But I could be wrong - just giving some counter examples since it would be nice to get additional info.

So perhaps this is an imagined issue - unless someone knows of a statute that states otherwise. I just hate to see people get worked up over things that are not true.

I agree that some do not want to be found - but that's a different area. (I'm in the Seattle, WA area - not that it makes any diff.)

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