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Profile Update

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/08/09 12:51 AM Views: 1500 Replies: 6
Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 12:51 AM

I'm one of 3 in our class whose profile has exceeded 5000 characters. But Alas I didn't see the note till after I tried to edit and it won't let me. All that backspacing left me with disconnected sentences. Is there a way to fix it without trying to reconstruct entire profile?
So far I received one profile update from the New Year class email. That was a good idea Brad. Thanks!

Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 12:19 PM - Response #1

Bad news and good news. The bad news is, for now you're stuck. Although you didn't need me to tell you that. Smile The good news is, shortly we'll be increasing the limit to 8,000 characters. So here's what I'd do for now:

Using Notepad, edit your Comments so they're exactly how you want them. Save. Now create an abbreviated version (less than 5,000 characters) and paste that in there for now. Once we increase the limit, go back to your original file, copy your entire Comments block, and paste them back in.

Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 2:19 AM - Response #2

Character limit has been increased to 8,000.

Monday, January 12, 2009 at 8:01 PM - Response #3

FABULOUS! Was the "countdown" there before? I don't recall seeing either the limitation or the countdown and was just about to suggest it and went to double check myself and found you read my mind! OK, so now you are Brad the mindreader!!!Wink

Monday, January 12, 2009 at 8:50 PM - Response #4

Well I've been called worse, so I'm gunna run with that. Smile

Yup we added the count. Just in case somebody types an 8,000+ character novel in there. Smile

Friday, January 16, 2009 at 11:17 AM - Response #5

The last custom profile question I added may need more than a one line answer, but I can't bring up a comment box like the previous ones. Is fifteen the limit ? I deactivated "the one size fits all comments/school story" because they became a part of the new ones. The 8000 characters limit works just fine.Thanks Brad!

Friday, January 16, 2009 at 11:47 AM - Response #6

You changed a default system question.

Look at the shading around your last Question, Question #15. You see how it's that blueish/gray color? Now look up above your questions in the key. See the blueish/gray color swatch stating that this color means the question is a default system question? Now look up even higher and read the instructions about default system questions. You can change the verbiage or deactivate them, but you can NOT change their intent. can...but doing that won't always work out too well.

For instance, I've seen people change the default "Attending Reunion?" question to "Married?". And then of course the default answers are Yes or No. So every time somebody selected they were married, it marked them as attending the reunion and turned on their attending reunion icon... That's why you don't want to mess with the meaning of the default questions -- some of them impact the system in other ways.

In any case, the simple solution to your problem is you want to create your question by clicking the "Add New Question" at the bottom of the Profile Generator. When you create your own questions, you'll be able to add your own answers like before. You can't add or change answers on the default questions, which is why you're not seeing that option.

Edited 01/16/09 3:59 PM
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