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Missing Attendees for some events

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/04/13 09:45 PM Views: 1070 Replies: 8
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 9:45 PM

When I go into the Classmate Profiles and click on an event (say the Dinner Dance) I see a person (named Jim High) as signed up for the event. However when I go into the Reunion Planner and print out an excel spreadsheet report of the attendees for the same event, he is missing from the list. This is true for the Cocktail Party event as well. I don't know if this is an isolated problem or if I have more like this. Do you know what is going on? This person updated his profile yesterday.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 10:26 AM - Response #1


On your planned reunion events, you allow classmates to answer profile questions about their intent to attend the reunion. This classmate signed up for the website and answered the questions that they intend/plan to go to the reunion.

On the Reunion Planner, REPORTS page, you can e-mail those people who answered "YES" or "MAYBE", but didn't actually register for the reunion.
You can email the following people:
Answered Yes for attending, but have not registered (4)
Answered Maybe for attending (6)

Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 2:23 PM - Response #2

Kyle, thanks, I see what I did wrong now. I'll change it for the next reunion (too late now).


Monday, June 10, 2013 at 12:06 PM - Response #3

So how would you change it next time? I just started planning our reunion and noticed the same thing. I guess I will email those people and remind them to officially register.


Monday, June 10, 2013 at 12:17 PM - Response #4

Many admins like having the option to ask the Yes No Maybe question on the profiles so that they can gauge interest in the event. Personally, I would use that option as well knowing that I need to refer to my Attendees page or Reports page to see the number of actual registrants. It also allows for you to send emails in the system to those who have indicated a Yes, but have not yet registered for the event. The one option in the Reunion Planner that I would always use is the one that Requires purchase of a ticket item in order to register. I would not want to leave myself in the position where I have registered attendees that have not yet paid and then have to track them down.

Monday, June 10, 2013 at 12:21 PM - Response #5

I looked for something on the Classmate Profile to turn off the ability for the classmates to indicate they will be attending certain events but didn't see a way to turn it off. I only wanted one location "Reunion Registration" to handle a sign up and listing of the events and didn't anticipate a duplication here that would cause confusion. I also looked at the Reunion Registration page and didn't see anything to turn off showing on the classmate profile. Maybe Kyle or someone can help us here? I'm surprised other people haven't had this problem (I must be doing something wrong).

PS - we had our classmates mail in their payment rather than pay on line.

Edited 06/10/13 12:23 PM
Monday, June 10, 2013 at 12:26 PM - Response #6

The option is located in the Reunion Planner > Edit > Event > Include a question with possible Yes, No or Maybe answers on the Member Wizard and Edit Profile pages asking classmates if they plan on attending. This does not register them for the event, but displays on their profile and lets everyone else know if they're planning to be there. Classmates who select Yes will be given instructions on how to purchase tickets. If you uncheck the option in this location, the question is removed from the profiles.

Monday, June 10, 2013 at 12:29 PM - Response #7

Ted Witte wrote:

I looked for something on the Classmate Profile to turn off the ability for the classmates to indicate they will be attending certain events but didn't see a way to turn it off.

I believe this is controlled by the selections for events in the Reunion Planner. Specifically the first option that has a square where the selection is made. If unchecked this should remove the option from classmate profiles.

Monday, June 10, 2013 at 12:34 PM - Response #8

Scott, thanks I see it now. It's hidden under the button "Show More" where you click on that button and get a lot more options. Okay, next time I'm turning that option off to avoid confusion. I'll probably forget in 5 years and ask the same question again.

Thanks again for your help.


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