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Reunion Planner - Items for Sale

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 04/11/11 11:36 AM Views: 1301 Replies: 4
Monday, April 11, 2011 at 11:36 AM

We are planning to sell T-Shirts at the Reunion. I know I can add multiple items to deal with various sizes but it would be much better if there was a new drop down field that had the sizes available. The available sizes needs to be controlled by the admin and the format should also accommodate the differences between Men's and Women's sizes.

Further the prices should be based on the sizes. It seems customary to have sizes XL and smaller at one price and XXL and larger at a greater price. The field size for the sizes should accommodate text such as: Ladies - XXXL. Men, Ladies, and Child sizes should be accessible.

For example:
Item: Class T-Shirt
Size: Drop Downs with all values entered by admin
Quantity: Current drop down
Price: Dependent on size as entered by admin

Monday, April 11, 2011 at 3:33 PM - Response #1

I'm not sure how others have handled this in the past, but the way I see it, you have 2 options.

1. Set up an item for every option you have. But I think this will get very confusing.

2. Set up an item for each of the main categories and then add a specific question in the registration for that deals with the sizes.
So you would end up with something like:

Mens T-Shirt $X.XX
Ladies T-Shirt $X.XX
Children's T-Shirt $X.XX

and in a corresponding question that is something like:

If you are ordering a T-Shirt below, please provide us with your Style and Size here and place your order below: EX: 1 MENS XL, 1 LADIES M

Drop downs will not work well for this. I think you need to rely on the Comment field and a clear explanation of how you expect them to answer.

Monday, April 11, 2011 at 4:11 PM - Response #2

i dont get it - "drop downs will not work" go to any clothing web site and they have drop downs for sizes and usually colors. I know the work around. My purpose was a program change to make the site more flexible to sell more types of items where SIZE is relevant.

Monday, April 11, 2011 at 4:27 PM - Response #3

When we sold our shirts we had only one price. We stated it as this on the signup form:

1) * First Name:
2) * Last Name:
3) Email Address:
4) Street Address:
5) Street Address 2:
6) City:
7) State:
Cool Zip/Postal Code:
9) # Of People Attending Even If Only You:
10) Names Of People Attending:
11) What Size JMHS'65 T-Shirt (Sizes Generous):
Small, Medium, Large, X-Lg. 2x, 3x

The price was the same for each shirt no matter what size (less confusing). Being I was the Admin, I received a notice for each registration, printed them out and filed the registration form for the shirt order. I ordered 2 extra of each size and we had some to sell at the Reunion. All said we actually had enough money left over to extend our CC membership for another 5 years. I hope this helps?

Edited 04/11/11 4:27 PM
Monday, April 11, 2011 at 4:32 PM - Response #4

It would work fine if you are only ordering 1 item. But if I want to order, lets say 1 Mens XXL, I Ladies L, and 2 Kids M, you can't use a single drop down to account for this order. I would be going to the order form and ordering from you a Quantity 1,1 and 2, but would need to tell you in the registration form above that I wanted, specifically, 1 MENS XXL, 1 LADIES L, 2 KIDS M.

Your alternative is to create something like this:

Mens Medium T-Shirt $X.XX
Mens LargeT-Shirt $X.XX
Mens XL T-Shirt $X.XX
Mens XXL T-Shirt $X.XX
Ladies Small T-Shirt $X.XX
Ladies Meduim T-Shirt $X.XX
Ladies Large T-Shirt $X.XX
Ladies XL T-Shirt $X.XX
Children's Small T-Shirt $X.XX
Children's Medium T-Shirt $X.XX
Children's Large T-Shirt $X.XX

In this scenario, one could then simply select a quantity next to each option they wish to purchase. But it gets a little long and, frankly odd feeling to order from.

Our reunion planner is not set up as a typical store and therefore does not account for these kinds of items.

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