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Now What?

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 09/30/08 11:17 AM Views: 1235 Replies: 1
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 11:17 AM

We had our reunion last weekend, and got rave reviews on the web site. Number one question asked, "what will happen to the web site after the reunion?"

We told them that decisions will be made in October or November, but that so far, we are planning on having the site up for as long as we can afford it. The concern held by the committee is what we all went through when we all jumped on "that other un-named class site .com" Everyone joined, then basically, all you can do for free there anymore is have your name listed. If you want the extra bells and whistles, each person has to pay a rather hefty premium.

I know that you have to have an income, so there are bound to be additional fees at some point. But, instead of each classmate having to pay, can it just be a "lump sum" payment made by the class to cover everyone on our roster? If that has been considered, do you know a price yet? We would like to get some money from our classmates while everyone is in a sentimental mood, and depending upon how much we can raise, possibly pay for a mulit-year plan, if that has been developed yet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:25 PM - Response #1

Our committee assigned the funds to pay for the website for at least 5 years. It's not that expensive and it came out of the money left over at the end of the reunion. This is something that if you do plan another reunion in the future, you can budget for.

Also, if one person pays for the website now, then make a deal with the committee that you will be reimbursed down the road after the next reunion. I just told the treasurer everything I paid and she reimbursed me.

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