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Historic copies of "e-Mail The Class"

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/30/10 07:37 PM Views: 1245 Replies: 2
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 7:37 PM

Is there a place on the website where a history of previous e-mails to the class are kept?

Is there a place on the website that keeps a record of which missing classmates have been sent invitations to join via the "Missing Classmates" function?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 8:02 PM - Response #1

Welcome Michael.

1) No but that's coming with our next round of revisions to the Email The Class feature.

2) No. And there can't be either. It's a privacy issue that has come up here before. Only an email address is entered into the Missing Classmates box, not a name. Thus the only thing we could possibly show to an Admin is which private email addresses have been entered into that box. The problem there is Craig comes into the system and wants to invite Bob. So he enters Bob's email address. And now by way of showing what's been entered in that box, we give Bob's email address to Michael. Craig never intended for Bob's email address to be given to Michael though. What is Michael going to do with those email addresses? Start mailing to those addresses as well? If so how often? 4 years ago I would have never even thought about issues like this, but I've come to understand that you have to be really careful with how you maintain private info like personal email addresses. If our system gives the list to Michael, Michael most likely will not abuse those email addresses. I have no doubt that's the case. Now factor in there are over 11,000 Site Administrators here. By law of averages alone we'd eventually have trouble by giving out those email addresses.

Edited 03/30/10 8:04 PM
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 8:16 PM - Response #2

Got it!
Good to hear security remains such a top priority!

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