Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 7:53 PM - Response #1
Nope. My concern there would be we'd be allowing 700,000 people to save attachments on the servers. If the average user ultimately stored 20 megs of attachments, that would be 14 million megs of stuff stored on the servers. Without much incentive to remove stuff either. That's a large number, but then, in the hosting world it's not really that large of a number. What we could potentially do is allow people to add attachments to private messages with a 2 meg limit or so. That would easily accommodate any photos or typical file attachments. Maybe we could put a message on all attachments asking the receiver to save them to their own computer within 60 days, at which time any attachments would auto reap. That seems feasible. Let me run it past the programmers.