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Family webpages

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 11/18/08 12:45 PM Views: 2078 Replies: 13
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 12:45 PM

I have a class website from this service and it's terrific. I started a family reunion site as well and there are residual words from the classmates template that I'd like to edit out. Not sure how to do this or if it's possible yet.
any thoughts.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 1:39 PM - Response #1

For now I recommend you simply don't show options that contain the word Classmate. John did that on his site here:

I think there's only one instance of "Classmate" on his home page currently.

For now there will be a few quirky things if you're using Class Creator to build a family site. In '09 we're going to launch a true family system, with family design specific designs, etc.

You can see how close we are to already having a family system. We just want to get a few more things into Class Creator (photo galleries, preferences area, etc.) before we replicate the whole system and then change it into a family system.

Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:38 AM - Response #2

Hi all, Jeff's family site is beautiful! I just tried to create a family site but only got to where I had to enter a class year and was stumped. Do I just enter information as if I'm creating a class site and make changes at the end, or what? I need someone to hold my hand and lead me through this process pleaseConfused Is there an FAQ about this somewhere? I know the dedicated family site is coming and I was trying to wait but couldn't resist the usge to get going. My nephew and I have been discussing starting a family site for the past year and I tried another site but didn't find it user friendly so abandoned it.
Thanks in advance.

Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:50 AM - Response #3

Yes. For now just pick any school and then choose a year that nobody would ever be using. Like 1915 or something like that. And when you're done with the site rename anything you want.

Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:56 AM - Response #4

Hey, thanks Brad, that was fast! You're either a fellow night owl or you're on the West Coast.
Thanks again.

Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:59 AM - Response #5

When done click Edit School/Logos to change the default header info. And be sure to click Profile Geneartor and deactivate any questions pertaining to Classmates, and then add any other questions you'd like.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 12:45 PM - Response #6

If I were to set up a family page now (using the current system), would it easily transition over to the family system that you are working on?

Also... would it mess up the system if I put our Family name in the 'high school' field? Does that automatically put that High School as an option for the next person, or would it just use if for my new site?


Edited 12/09/08 12:59 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 1:03 PM - Response #7

You can change your school name to your family site name, it will not mess it up for anybody else. Your site title only applies to your site.

No, family sites created on Class Creator will NOT transition over to the true family system we'll be releasing in '09. You would need to rebuild.

Monday, December 15, 2008 at 12:19 PM - Response #8

I just started building my family site before I saw this info. Would it be possible to make it so we can at least transfer content to the new site in some way? I'm going to save everything I put on the site in a folder on my computer so I'm more concerned about stuff family members enter on their profiles.
Thanks Brad and everyone contributing suggestions.

Monday, December 15, 2008 at 4:32 PM - Response #9

Unfortunately, no. Although the system will start from the Class Creator code base, it will quickly go in different directions, thus the two databases will become distinct almost from day 1. Thus there will be no automated mechanism for transfering from one system to the other. You can always copy and paste everything into the new system though.....batch upload photos, so forth and so on.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 1:20 AM - Response #10

Thanks Brad, glad to know now so I can back up everything. Another question, is there a way to change the Class Reunion to Family reunion and change all the places the word class or classmate occur? I'm guessing no, but gotta ask.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 12:18 AM - Response #11

Most occur on your home page, and most of those boxes can be turned off under your home page edit area.

Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 11:40 PM - Response #12

Hi Brad, I'm back with more questions. When you do the family website next year do you plan to incorporate a famiy tree building capability?
I'm using the Heritage Family Tree Builder that's a download and it seem the only way I can share it with my family is to publish it on their (Heritage)family website. I created the website but cancelled it and wondered if you are familiar with their Family Tree builder program and if you know of a way I can publish it on this site? If I download Gedcom, will that make it more portable? Alternately, do you know of a program that would be compatibility with this site? Jeff says he uses Word but I don't think that's going to work for my big family.
Thanks in advance.

Friday, December 26, 2008 at 12:21 AM - Response #13

I'm afraid you're way ahead of us Hillary. A family tree builder obviously makes good sense in a family site, so we'll be looking into that and far more I'm sure when we get there. The immediate goal, of course, is to "finish" Class Creator, and by that I mean get through the various tasks on the Task List, most of which have come directly out of this forum. Once that happens it will be relatively easy to back engineer the system for other purposes, such as family sites, church sites, etc. Once we've done that I'm sure there will be many customization requests within those niches, so the code will then go off in many different directions based on the need.

It's going to be well into '09 before we get to any spinoffs. Class Creator first. Smile

Edited 12/26/08 12:23 AM
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