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Attending reunion icon

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/12/16 09:03 AM Views: 865 Replies: 3
Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 9:03 AM

I finally got my reunion page working. I sent note to committee to test. 3 of us registered but only 2 of us show icon saying we are attending. I paid by cc. The other two check. One of those by check immediately showed icon. The other did not. I went in and showed her check received and it still did not show up. Ideas?


Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 9:18 AM - Response #1

Those who did not show up did not check the "Guest is a Classmate " checkbox.

To fix this, go to Event Planner, EDIT for your event, then go to Transactions (right side menu), then EDIT for the transactions. If the classmate isn't showing up as coming, check the "Guest is a Classmate " checkbox. Remember to save the changes.

Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 9:38 AM - Response #2

That's a very confusing statement. Why not I am a classmate. First sounds like you are bringing someone else and they too are a classmate. We have several couples who will register together and are both classmates.

Thanks. I will need to check everyone to make sure. More work. Sad

Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 11:52 AM - Response #3

The problem isn't with YOUR registration, but "M. C. H. (Bauer)" 's registration. She didn't say that she was a classmate, so it thought that she must be a guest. Guest registrations do not show up on the Classmate Profiles page because they aren't classmates.

When you have several couples (both classmates) and they register together, they will need to make sure that the checkbox is checked for both of them.

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