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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/25/09 03:01 PM Views: 2031 Replies: 13
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 3:01 PM


We got a message from a person claiming to be one of our old teachers (we recognize the name), wanting access to class profiles b/c he is writing a book about how past students affected his career.

A Co Admin gave him Guest status.
None of our pages are currently password protected - in part b/c we are unclear as to how that process works.

Questions: Do we just assume that he is who he says he is, or do we ask for some verification?

Since he is writing a book, do we need to inform the registered classmates that he has access to their info, so they can individually password protect them?

Or do we just go thru "Edit Pgs" & password protect the Class Profile page? If so, what does that do to classmate access?

We have had some deceased relatives wanting to be made Guests - what is the protocol for that?

Any thoughts or advice on this would be appreciated. Thanks, N

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 11:04 PM - Response #1

Password protection: You click on Edit Site Pages, and place a checkmark in the password column next to any page you want to be password protected. When you do this, only logged in viewers can access the page. The public gets a password protected message. Simple as that.

Teacher verification: Entirely your call. If his Profile looks legit he's probably the teacher. If you have any doubts, email him or call him on the phone to get more info.

Do you need to inform Classmates about the teacher's book: Probably would be helpful.

Password protecting Clasmate Profiles page: Not recommended, as each Classmate can already restrict his or her own Profile. There is no sensitve info on that page other than the Classmates' names. Nonethless, each school has to make their own call on the level of security they want to have, thus if you do choose to restrict this page, the option is there for you. It will make it harder for new Classmates to join your site of course, as you'll have to give them all your "system password" to get past this password hurdle.

"We have had some deceased relatives wanting to be made Guests - what is the protocol for that?" Ummmm. I'll admit that's a new question here. Maybe try having a seance? I knew Class Creator was popular, but I never realized we'd have people from beyond requesting access to the site. Wink Seriously though, if you choose to do this, just add the Guest Member, and then mark them deceased like any other Classmate. Simple as that.

Edited 02/26/09 12:10 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 11:56 PM - Response #2

We have had some deceased relatives wanting to be made Guests - what is the protocol for that?

Ummm...OK Brad...I am wondering if you need to get more sleep or if I do! LOL:Laughing

I think Nancee meant to say:

"We have had some relatives of our deceased classmates wanting to be made Guests - what is the protocol for that?"

If this is what you meant Nancee, I think that is perfectly acceptable. Most likely they would like to post a response on their loved one's "In Memory" page. And maybe it gives them a sense of connection to that person, even though they are gone. If this is what you meant...I don't think I would mark them..."deceased" though. LOL. guys all work too hard!! Take a break...have a laugh...and see if you can locate some of that great maple syrup you're always talking about....or...I bake a sweet Chocolate Chip Cookie if your looking for a new pick-me-up! Sounds like you are going to need some extra energy and maybe another body or two for the next week or so! Good luck on putting in that new hardware! And thanks for all that you and your crew do for all of us! You are all appreciated more than you know!

Edited 02/26/09 12:01 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 11:56 PM - Response #3

Brad Switzer wrote:

"We have had some deceased relatives wanting to be made Guests - what is the protocol for that?" Ummmm. I'll admit that's a new question here. Maybe try having a seance? I knew Class Creator was popular, but I never realized we'd have people from beyond requesting access to the site. Wink Seriously though, if you choose to do this, just add the Guest Member, and then marked them deceased like any other Classmate. Simple as that.

I think she means that relatives of the deceased person want access to the website. If this is the case, just add them as a Guest Member, you don't need to mark them as deceased.

Oops, Anita beat me to it.

Edited 02/25/09 11:57 PM
Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 12:09 AM - Response #4

I was kidding. Smile But, what's this sleep and break stuff you're talking about? I'm going out to to look up these words and see what they mean. Unfamiliar with these concepts.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 12:53 AM - Response #5

Alright Guys ...... oh, my Gosh, is my face red! The only defense I have is that I was frantically trying to post that between patients, with, well, less than optimum results!

But, Anita & Kyle ....... you know what? It really kinda touched me the way you two jumped in there in support of what I "meant" to say. Thanks, Guys ...that was awesome!

And then we have The Bradster! Well, we not only have a great Wizard, but a Witty Wizard, at that!'re a Hoot!

Seriously, though, professionally speaking, hang on to the sense of humor of yours's probably the only thing that keeps you sane!
And don't get me started on the effects of Sleep Deprivation, you don't want to hear it.

Hey ~ Thanks All ~ this is truly a way cool place!!

Blessings to you, N

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 1:36 AM - Response #6

Oh trust me, I have to do this with a sense of humor. Otherwise I'd be.....well...I guess I'd be all serious. And what fun would that be? Class Creator is all about having fun. When we all want to be serious, there's a zillion other sites we can go to for that! Smile

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 9:36 AM - Response #7

I had people that started wanting to get on our site and post information about classmates and it made me start thinking about the privacy issue. So I went in and password protected all pages except missing, and classmate profiles, which the system wouldn't let me password protect the profile page. I get emails requesting the password but I don't actually have to give it to the. I just explain that they can go to the site, click on profiles, scroll to thier name, click on it and the system prompts them to fill in their info. Since I did this I have gotten more registered users because they can't see anything about the reunion until they become a memeber Smile

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 11:08 AM - Response #8

Good way of doing it. Note, the system will in fact let you password protect the Classmate Profiles page. Before you can do it though, you have to read a warning box that explains that doing this will make the site more difficult for Classmates to join because they'll need your root system password in advance.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 11:33 AM - Response #9

I do remember seeing that, but I didn't want to give out the root password because that is the password for the admins, and I didn't know if I could have 2 different ones.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 5:51 PM - Response #10

No, the system password is the password you need to give to non members in order to access password protected pages of your site. All Admins have their own unique, private password.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 6:18 PM - Response #11

Well I had that all wrong, but what I have been telling them works, so I'll leave it like it is. I thought I had to give that password to the people I gave administrative privelages to. I guess I do need to clarify one thing then. If the classmates are registered they do have access to all the pages correct? except the admin pages

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 8:10 PM - Response #12

Hi Glenda,

Yes if they are logged in they can see everything except for admin areas and the personal information that is not part of profiles that classmates enter such as home address, phone, etc. Classmates can choose to share some of that information for classmates who are logged in. If they choose not to that information will not display for other classmates even if they are logged in.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 9:19 PM - Response #13

Thank you Jessica

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